Thursday, September 22, 2011

How does setting up a bedtime routine relate to changing sleeping behavior?

I am not sure if I understand what you are asking...but here goes:

A bedtime routine is just that, a routine. For a child, probably something along the lines of eat, clean up, use bathroom, brush teeth, read book, go to sleep.

If you change one of those, lets say not reading a book, then a child may not feel %26quot;fulfilled%26quot; so to speak, and may not want to go to sleep and stay up much later. If a child already has a hard time going to sleep, and doesn't read a book before bed, then adding the bedtime story could help the child go to sleep faster.

If that isn't what you were asking, sorry.How does setting up a bedtime routine relate to changing sleeping behavior?
I was never one for bed time routines until my son was about 1.5. He would wake up all the time before the routine. NOw that I follow a routine for not only bed time but also nap time life has got so much better! He is much less cranky during the day and wakes up much much less in the middle of the night. Wish I would have figured it out sooner.

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