Thursday, June 2, 2011

How can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?

Like one of my cousin (girl) got engaged and they were going to singapore for honey moon .When i told my husband abt this he was shouting at me and started arguing with me.My cousin's inlaws didn't give Reception after marriage. He was telling that my cousins inlaws were waste like that he starts negitive things and fights with me.

Also once my sister her husband and myself were going in car . My sister was telling that her brother in law who stayed abroad

had sent cake on her son's birthday.when we came home my husband started telling negitive things about my sister and started shouting at me.

Even if i dont tell him somethings when he comes to know about these things he starts arguing with me.Mostly in night after 11p.m. this goes on till 12 pm . After that i cant sleep.Next day my day gets ruined.

After this argument he calls from office and says sorry for my times, And he behaves well for next few days .He help me in doing house hold cores .again this starts what should i doHow can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
You can't change what he does, you can only change how you respond.

Just ignore him. (Easier said than done, I know) He'll feel silly arguing by himself.How can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
Wow, your husband sounds exactly like my dad! He is always bickering w/me and my mom about stuff that shouldn't make any difference to him or stupid stuff. He also gets mad if he has to do actual work and acts like everything is anyone's fault but his. I don't think there is a way to change these types of people permanently. There's absolutely no way my dad would ever admit he has problems or go to counseling. The problem is that they are insecure w/themselves so they have to make everyone else miserable too. Maybe you should try to do some things to help boost his self-esteem and make him feel needed. Those are the times my dad acts the happiest...not a permanent solution but it helps some.How can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
well if hes going to get mad when you talk to him about them. then dont talk to him about it.. but as far as him getting mad all the time you need to let him know that its not something your going to put up with so he needs to learn to control himself. good luckHow can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
Say %26quot;that is my family your talking about and I don't appreciate you talking about them like%26quot; that and leave the room. If he apologizes say %26quot;you always say that but continue doing what you are doing. Please, if you love me, just don't talk about my family in that manner, please!%26quot;How can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
He needs anger management classes.

It sounds like he is jealous of your family.

Maybe if you said to him.. %26quot;You are acting like you are jealous of my family!%26quot; He will realise it and be so ashamed that he stops.. just an idea.How can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
Tell him that he doesn't need to be concerned with your family's affairs. Ask him to not focus his attention nor his energy on them or on their problems, but on himself and on you. Tell him you and he have more important things to worry about and that you would like to leave your family out of all conversations from now on.How can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
Usually is easier for you to change your behavior or perception about what he says, but I understand your point of view.

By talking let him know that the way he express his opinion about your relatives bothers you, in the most gentle way you ever have say that, so in order to create a friendly environment to be able to talk %26quot;As adults....%26quot; so, if even when you are letting him know that his reaction and commentaries have a bad impact on you.... then in my opinion, he hasn't develop an adult way of communication, so its hard to read always between lines, usually when the emotional intelligence is not develop people often say: %26quot;I don't care...%26quot; when actually they care and a lot....

Perhaps one option is to try to ask for help, but if that option not really something that will happen %26quot;when hell freezes....%26quot; then give it a try by different approaches to the subject of %26quot;modifying and being conscious of the way you communicate each other...%26quot;

I really don't know for how long this have been or if always was like this, but if from the beginning was like this, is very unlikely that he would change his way UNLESS HE REALLY WANT THAT, but if this behavior is just like from a period of time till now, then is very probable that something that you say or do is making him react like this. But, as I told you I'm just guessing and giving my thought to you.

Hope you work out everything for the best. ;)How can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
i have experienced the same exact problem. i finally came to see it as my husband is jealous of my family, as he is not close to his AT ALL! i got so tired of being defending my family, who has always been there for me to someone who has not. After 13 years together, after all of the heated arguing, ruined days and nights, and excuses to my family--i have left my husband. the apologies and %26quot;help%26quot; stopped having any meaning. i would advise explaining to him what this is doing to you and trying couseling. i did try this with very little success and hope that your husband is much more open minded. i never expected to be a single, divorcing mom--but my self esteem got so low and i was soooo miserable %26amp; confused all of the time that it was either continue to try to make him happy all of time at the cost of my happiness (and my son's from hearing us argue and daddy yell) or start over. Good luck and i wish the best for you. Keep in mind that you must look out for yourself and your well being.How can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
I would be honest with him and tell him how you feel. that you don't like it when he is negative all the time. And him always telling you he is sorry when he keeps on doing the same thing over and over is riduculous. If he were truly sorry he would stop starting arguements with you over and over. You need to sit him down and have a heart to heart with him. It also would be great if you two could get someone with experience to give you advice. like a counselor at a church or someone or a marriage counselor. It sounds like to me that he is jealous of your relatives. I don't believe he likes it when you spend time with your family and wants you to spend time with him and no one else. In other words, he wants you all to himself. Tell him to remember that when you hold on to something too tight you will eventually loose it. He sounds like to me that he is too clingy and needy. Tell him that you both need time to spend with other people beside yourselves. He needs to be with his family and friends. Or is he a loner and doesn't have any friends? Also, I believe he starts arguing at night because he knows that this gets to you and that it upsets you so much that you can't sleep. Also, I think that he believes that you will get tired of the arguements and let him have his way and stop seeing your family. Whatever you do, don't stop seeing your family. If you let him have his way, he will think he can control you and get whatever he wants. Don't give in to him. Tell him for a marriage to work you both need space and things to do It's not good for a relationship if you two are constantly together and never have any other interests or friends. The reason he behaves well for a few days is he knows you are mad at him and he thinks by being nice to you he can get on your good side. and that he will get his way. Again let him know how you feel. That you do love him but that you also love your family. And that your family isn't taking away your love for him. that it makes you feel better when you can spend time with your family. I also believe that he is jealous of the relationship you have with your family. He may not be close to any one in his family and he envies the love and closeness you have with your family and that he wishes his family were close like you are with your family. It could stem all the way back to his childhood. He may not have had a good childhood and had a loving family that cared about him. Anyway, I think your best bet would be to consult someone who has experience in dealing with such matters. A licensed marriage counselor would be great. I wish you good luck. And that your problem will get better.How can i change behaviour of my husband he always criticises my relatives and has heated arguments with me.?
I agree that you cannot change what he does and can only change your reaction. I enjoyed the book %26quot;Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People.%26quot; by Elixabeth Brown. It can give better advice and perspective than anything else.

How do you control a cat's behavior?

I acquired a roommate and she has a cat. I knew this to be the case before she moved in, but the cat has never been disciplined by its owner.

It's over a year old and so far it scratches my furniture, has broken my DVD player and knocks my movies and books from my shelves everyday. I really enjoy my roommate, but the cat has got to change its behavior or it has to go.

Any advice how best to keep this critter under control?How do you control a cat%26039;s behavior?
The first thing to do is to confront the roommate. If you start disciplining her cat she may resent you for it and it could cause serious problems in your future housing arrangement. After that...a squirt gun works wonders and is not harmful to the cat. Also, scruffing works (scruffing does not hurt the animal if you do so gently--the mother would scruff her young and gently shake them when they did something bad)...I'm not suggesting you to scruff with all your might and shake-that is abuse.How do you control a cat%26039;s behavior?
You can buy special spray for the scratching problem. You can get it at petsmart. All you have to do is spray it on the furniture and they dont scratch there. When it does something bad, use a squirt bottle and RIGHT AWAY squirt it. If you dont do this right away, they wont know what they are being punished for. Also, clap your hands and sharply yell %26quot;no!%26quot;. Good luck...!How do you control a cat%26039;s behavior?
Try a squirt bottle. Whenever it does something you don't like squirt it with water.How do you control a cat%26039;s behavior?
we have used a squirt bottle on all 12 of our cats from day 1 and now all we have to do is point it at them and they run and stop whatever they were doing bad. Also you can put some pennies in a coffee can or something metalish and shake it, its pretty loud and startles them to get them to stop.How do you control a cat%26039;s behavior?
First of all, if you have a cat you'll have to adapt YOUR environment for the animal. Cats also do better in pairs instead of single cats; they get bored and get into everything if people are gone during the day. If you will imitate the cat's behavior and %26quot;hiss train%26quot; it, it will think you are the alpha cat and YOU run the house. Hold the cats head and hiss and growl at it until she shows signs of submission; like rolling over. The best way to %26quot;discipline%26quot; a cat is to hiss at it. You can't physically discipline a cat or yell at it; doesn't work. But you can follow their behavior patterns and watch how they communicate. Trim the kittys nails or get it some %26quot;cat nail tips%26quot; to go over the sharpies and put up your stuff. When the people are away, the cat will play. Godloveya.How do you control a cat%26039;s behavior?
SQUIRT it in the face with water!! They hate that. Be sure to do it immediately though or they have no idea what they did to get in to trouble. As for the scratching of the furniture - some people will disagree and some will agree - have the cat declawed!! Good luck ! Hope all goes well for Ya!How do you control a cat%26039;s behavior?
I would %26quot;accidentally%26quot; leave the door open and hope to never see that cat again.How do you control a cat%26039;s behavior?
You don't control a cats behavior, they pretty much do what they want, when they want. They are just being what they are and mean nothing personal by it.

Cats are not like dogs. They are habitual animals. This makes correcting them hard if not impossible. Some are more laid back, some are more curious and into things.

You just have to pretty much let them be what they are going to be. The best you can try to do is keep PLENTY of cat toys around for it to entertain itself with. Get it a new one every so often to keep its attention to them. Good luck. p.s- Patience, patience, patience

If you could change behaviors of Christians in general, how would you change them and why?

Meaningful, Honest, polite answers only please.

And since I am asking you to be honest, I will be honest too.

%26quot;Stop believing in God,%26quot; is not what i'm looking for.If you could change behaviors of Christians in general, how would you change them and why?
I would reinforce in them that Jesus COMMANDED them to be humble and meek.

I would remind them that they are to ALWAYS, not SOMETIMES, turn the other cheek.

If someone insults their worldview, they should be polite and say %26quot;I understand why you feel that way. But it brings me joy. If you'd ever like to join my religion, feel free to ask me about it.%26quot;

In essence, I would instruct Christians to read their own bible, and see that the hateful, bigoted, and agressive behavior they display here, and many other places throughout the world, goes DIRECTLY AGAINST their own messiah's instructions.If you could change behaviors of Christians in general, how would you change them and why?
Unfortunately, very few christians I encounter actually practice what they preach. It's kinda like what Gandhi said: I very much like your Jesus, he is so unlike your Christians


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If you could change behaviors of Christians in general, how would you change them and why?
I'd have them keep the good Lord to themselves.If you could change behaviors of Christians in general, how would you change them and why?
I'd have them stop sending missionaries to foreign countries to brainwash poor people in the guise of doing %26quot;charity work%26quot;.If you could change behaviors of Christians in general, how would you change them and why?
Rewrite their bible to be less judgemental. Take out the bad parts about stoning children and keeping slaves, etc. Maybe %26quot;Thou shalt not kill unless people are threatening your life or the lives of your loved ones.%26quot; They need a New New Testament.If you could change behaviors of Christians in general, how would you change them and why?
if I asked them to stop proselytizing to me, they will %26amp; never bring it up again.If you could change behaviors of Christians in general, how would you change them and why?
We need to love more... And reject this world, follow Jesus more, sorry, I'm rambling, but there is a lot that we all gotta work on as Christians... But it's worth it in the end...If you could change behaviors of Christians in general, how would you change them and why?
I would tone down the fundamentalism, most of the greatest attrocities of this world started with the seed of fundamentalism. Crusades, Inquisition, Witch hunts, Holocaust, 9/11, Iran/Isreali issues . It seems that Christians- without even realizing they are doing it- are walking the same path of evil.

Belief %26lt; Fundamentalism %26lt; Intolerance %26lt; Slaughter

Edit: A fundamentalist mentality is one that believes their particular scripture should be interpreted as literal and free from error as it is the Word of God. To my mind these are the types of persons who say things such as:

Death to the nonbelivers

Choose Christ or burn in Hell

Pagans are devil worshippers

Atheists are satanic

God hates Fags

Lying for Jesus is OK

Killing nonbelievers is what God wants us to do

How do we stop these godless atheists from ruining our country?

- I could go on, (yes I've seen all of these on this and other boards) but I think you see where this is going.

All these things are born of evil premisses- judgement, jealuosy, rage, insecurity, pride, and fear. One cannot be a moral person (Christian, Jewish, Islamic, otherwise) when starting from a point of evil; As evil begats evil- no matter how you care to spin it.

What I find strange is Christian fundamentalists start off with a premise (I don't like _____ people) and then look to the Bible for justification of what they don't like/don't understand.

Throwing the Golden Rule zealously to the wind in the process. The amazing part is that one can find biblical justification for anything- dragons, war, communism, etc. And if your newer bible (mine dates to before 1900) doesn't have unicorns, dragons, and satyrs in it- doesn't that mean it was altered by the hand of Man to be more reflective of the times? If altered once by man then it raises the possibility of having been altered before in the last 2000 years-translation errors are still errors in the inerrant Bible.

I was Methodist growing up and have been a Deist for some time now. Having left the Church because of fundamentalists reading their own bigotry into biblical passages. Born again types who feel they are the 'chosen' ones for having gone through a human ritual to be saved- this idea I think is a symbolic mockery of God's creation (as if He didn't do it right the first time). Biblical contradictions and the idea of god acting like a human child throwing tantrums didn't help either.

One thing that can never be forged, revised, or rewritten- is the miracle of Creation that we see right in front of us every day

Kudos to you for listening with an open mind! :) Sorry it's long!
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  • What could have changed my Chihuahua's behavior?

    I have a year old chihuahua. About a week ago, his attitude changed towards my husband and son. He nips at them and doesn't want to play with them. In the mornings, my husband takes him out to potty before leaving, but the last couple of days he has been nipping at my husband from his crate. There is no abuse on their part. In fact, my husband babies him more than I do. He will get up and sit with my husband and let him pet him. His attitude towards me is fine if not a little too clingy sometimes. He is eating and drinking well. He is pooping and peeing, too. He doesn't act sick (i.e. sleeping all the time, not eating). Any advice? What may cause this? How do I change this behavior?What could have changed my Chihuahua%26039;s behavior?
    puppy preschool!What could have changed my Chihuahua%26039;s behavior?
    second hand smoke. They blame everything else on that, so there you have it.What could have changed my Chihuahua%26039;s behavior?
    Maybe your husband step on the little guy

    How do I change my behavior with my g/f?

    I usually go on and on about a problem to my g/f repeating myself because she acts like she isnt listening or is disinterested in my problem with the situation. I keep going because she does this. How do I deal with her differently and still feel like I mad a point or she understands. I feel like if I dont make my point the problem will persist and she doesnt ever talk she just says ok, yeah, no or whatever to everything I say. But then when I dont say anything at all she is all over me asking me whats wrong until I say whats bothering me then she doesnt want to listen. How do I handle this situation because we do love each other very much.How do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    If you continue this will kill your relationship with her. You are pushing her away and she is ignoring you because she still loves you and she does not want the confrontation. Some of us are nonconfrontational. Either by choice or learning from our parents to be that way. When you constantly harp and yell at her she is actually placing you in a %26quot;bubble%26quot; and she is leaving you emotionally. Enough of this and she will be gone. When you have a problem with her, count to 10. Or let it happen one more time to determine if it really was a problem. 2=confrontation. If you feel it is something that you can sit down and talk about then tell her...%26quot;hey, I have something that has been bothering me and I really want to talk about it%26quot;...this will put it in a mode that will enable her to feel like she is helping rather than being accused. And don't ever NOT say anything that is bothering you because then you will just beat yourself up until you do yell at her and that is not good. If you love her and she loves you, then you two can work this out. I've learned from experience that this is true. Good luck to you, my friendHow do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    my boyfriend does the same thing know it is rude and i am woundering the same thing you let me know what they say please.How do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    Your question is very vague so I can see why she does not want to listen.How do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    it depend upon the situation of the problem. let her also speak about your problem. don't talk so much that's why she only answering you one word.How do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    You have to straight out tell her, look her in the eyes, grab her, and make her snap out of that %26quot;ok, whatever, i guess, no%26quot; responses.

    Or just tell her you think you guys have communcation problems and that everytime you talk to her you feel as though she isnt listening..basically just let her know whats on your mind but if you keep repeating to a certain point then she will be annoyed and you just have to drop it and not be obsessive compulsive.How do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    this is going to sound silly, but go to the business section at your local book store or libray and find books on how to 'communicate effectively' in the workplace. Many of these books address the problem of %26quot;overdiscussion%26quot; %26amp; %26quot;repetititism%26quot;...which would make people tune you out and not be receptive to your ideas.

    From a personal aspect however, It sounds as if you are not really trying to make a point, as much as you are doing and saying whatever you can until she AGREES with your so called %26quot;point%26quot;. What you have to come to terms with, and learn how to accept, is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it is different from yours, and more often than not, you have to agree to disagree.

    You have to ask yourself, is she really not listening, or just not agreeing with me and therefore it is upsetting me.How do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    first let her know what you just said right there. You have to inform her of the problem and make it clear to her that this problem needs to be fixed because its causing problems in the relationship. Then you both need to find ways to communicate with each other which is usually resolved by some sort of compromise. If the problem still persists you will eventually get so frustrated you'll end up wanting to seperate which will probably be a good idea beacause in order for a good relationship to work there has to be good communication between the two of you. Good luck, hope things work out!How do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    In my opinion she can't love you very much if she can't listen to the things that are bothering you. Sit down with her and explain to her that you feel this way, if she doesn't want to listen then you should move on. A relationship is 50/50, and if you are telling her the same things over and over then you are getting about 20% from her.How do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    You are not in love with each other and there is a big difference. I've been in a similar situation, and have acted just the way you describe you g/f of acting or it has been done to me. You shouldn't have to constantly be on a rollercoaster in a relationship. I don't know how long you all have been dating, but it is going nowhere fast. Talk to God he will let you know what to do. If you decide to leave temporarily or for good, don't let her fool you into thinking she'll do better, if she hasn't at this point she won't until she matures, and that could take a long time, trust me I know.How do I change my behavior with my g/f?
    Try to compliment her for the good things that she does in your relationship before you talk0ing about the problem. You need to let her know how much she means to you and then you talk things over I am sure she will listen and respond in a better way.

    After talking your problems over also finish on a good note. Remind her of the good things that you did and enjoyed together. Remember love languages differ from person to person so it is also the same when solving problems some can handle it if you do it the harsh way but some would prefer you to be gentle with them.

    I hope this will help you.

    Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend's)?

    My boyfriend pesters my dogs and it results in either my dog growling or biting him. He gets made and suggests that this is bad behavior on my dog's part but I view it as my dog telling him he needs to back off...which just leads him to criticize me. Any suggestions?Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Tell your boyfriend to stop when he is harassing your dog. If you think they are getting along fine, but as soon as you sense your dog's mood changing, tell your boyfriend it's not ok. I had to do the same, my bf was convinced that he knew how to better raise MY puppy, it took some consistency on my part to get the BF to get that I was raising my dog the way i felt was best. To me my dog is my friend, to him a dog was a pet. Big difference. But he finally accepted that my dog IS my family, and he accepted Zoe (my dog) as part of the family rather than an animal.Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Dump him.

    He could be handsome, rich, nice, whatever, but the dog was there first and you need to plan your life around him a bit.

    Dump him.Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Find a new boyfriend if reasoning with him doesn't work.Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    How exactly does your boyfriend pester your dog?

    Sorry, don't mean to sound rude, but it'd be easier to answer if you say. [:Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Get rid of the boyfriend. If he's treating your DOG mean, just think what he could do to you or any children you might have. Trust your dog.Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    well obviously hes not a dog person if he cant sense what the dog is trying to convey. Also if it happens frequently and your boyfriend still hasnt learned to leave the dog alone, i must ask why you are with someone so incapable of learning.

    I honestly have no advice because he sounds like a lost cause. I am sorry.Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    get rid of his dumb ***.Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Teasing your dogs? Unacceptable. Dump the nimwit.Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Get ur boyfriend to treat ur dog as a human. If he won't, just don't bring him over to ur house anymore. If he insists despite ur dog, dump him, saying ur dog is more important because he is technically part of ur family, and ur boyfriend isn't.

    Since I answered ur question, could u answer mine? Its also in the dogs section.;Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Break up with him. If he can't maturely handle being around a dog, how the **** is he supposed to handle being around children?Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    i had a similar issue before, my %26quot;boyfriend%26quot; was trying to train my chihuahua with a freak'n choke chain! and was very rough, not abusive but rough with training. but also pestered my little pup a lot and would then wonder why my doggie did not trust him, peed on his stuff and ran from him. about 3 months later my %26quot;boyfriend%26quot; hit me and treated me as if he was trying to train me.. what a bully. thankfully i told him to go F himself and life is much happier and my chihuahua is happy.

    remember dogs are primal and instinctive. your dog is telling you that he doesnt trust this guy and doesnt like him. listen to your pup.Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    A bully is a bully. I doubt this is the only issue the two of you have.

    I know in your mind this issue is specific to the dog, but you aren't looking at it closely enough. The bottom line here is that you told him it upsets you and he DOES IT ANYWAY. He's a bully,

    That's not an issue that I would want in my life, regardless of whether I owned a dog. ;)Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    `its a ``love me love my dog'' problem. you should tell your bf to stay off your dog. who is the first offender? if the choice is between your bf %26amp; your dog pick up the dog as he will be more trustworthy than your bf .Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Sign of things to come. Dump himAny suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Roll up a newspaper, and every time you see him pestering the dog, smack him on the nose.:o)

    Seriously - tell him to knock it off.

    If he insists on bullying your dog, then find another boyfriend - this is only the tip of the iceberg of problems you will have with him.Any suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    Let him get bit and bit hard then maybe he will learn somethingAny suggestions on how to change this behavior? (I mean my boyfriend%26039;s)?
    You can't change a person's behavior.

    There are lots of nice guys out there going lonely and women are always attracted to jerks like this. Everybody could tell you to dump the jerk but you won't. Instead you will stick with him and complain to your women friends who are also attracted to jerks about how terrible all men are.


    When to change gear for A6 1.9 TDI?

    I just bought Audi A6 Avant 1.9 TDI made in 2004. But fuel consumption is much higher than that in document. Maybe I have a bad gear changing behaviour. I normally change gear at 2000-2500 rpm. that is to say, to 2nd gear at 15 mph, 3rd one at 25mph, 4th one at 40mph, 5th one at 60mph. Shall I change gear earlier? how to achieve a balance between fuel economics and engine maintenance? Thanks a lot.When to change gear for A6 1.9 TDI?
    You are shifting at the right speeds/rpm. Keep this in mind the documented fuel mileage is an estimate, therefore it will vary. The car is 4 years old, however you may want to replace the air filter, and the fuel filter and see if that helps.When to change gear for A6 1.9 TDI?
    I'm afraid you'll never get the documented gas mileage. Prior to 2008, gas mileage figures were fantasy..., the numbers that were obtained for all cars were under perfect IDEAL conditions, conditions that mortals cannot do... That's why in 2008, all cars gas mileage figures are lower than they were in previous years...nothing the car makers did, just a more accurate way of reporting miles per gallon.

    How can I correct my six year old's behavior at school?

    My son started first grade this year. He has been in school one week. I have already had two %26quot;behavior problem%26quot; notes sent home to me... For talking, clowning, not following directions, and the most recent thing: saying a %26quot;cuss%26quot; word h*ll.... :/

    We had a few problems in kindergarten because he's such a happy, goofy boy. I know he's just being a kid, and I think it's wonderful that he's so happy, but I'm REALLY having a hard time nipping this one in the bud...

    I don't really know how to deal with notes. I mean, the moment has passed since he got in trouble at school, so I almost feel weird about punishing him...

    Also, what should I do to enforce behavior changes? I mean, I can take away his TV and video games, but he doesn't really seem to mind that too much. He just finds something else to do...

    I'm just frustrated. I want him to succeed. He's SO smart and he's doing acceptionally well with the school work. He's just got behavior problems. Thanks for any advice.:)How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    The first week is typically one where they are all getting caught up, etc. But I would nip it quick this year. What worked for me was having them write sentences (I only had to do this a few times with both boys) for stuff like talking. The cuss word would get a privilege removed along with sentences. We also redid any work that was done incorrectly for not following directions at home and sent the next day. When we did sentences (and this was in first grade with both boys lol) it was six only, one per year old. I also had then return it to the teacher.

    Don't feel weird because you were not there. This age they know what they did wrong and they remember it. If you don't work outside of the home, could you possibly volunteer at the school a couple of days a week? Sometimes knowing you are there will help. Or just showing up to eat lunch.

    He sounds like a good kid, but this is the age to learn when things are appropriate and when they are not. And if he is bored, see if the teacher will let him go play on the computer or go to a reading station when he's done with his work.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    Over and over when he does this you need to say, %26quot;There is a time for fun and games, and a time for seriousness and to listen%26quot;.

    Also, what goes around in a toddler is partly what he hears around him.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    enter him into karate, the things they will teach him and OMG he will become a completely different child. Teachers have to keep in mind that this is only grade 1 and you can't expect children to sit all day long and not talk. As human beings we feel the need to socialize and connect with others, its natural. Karate would teach him a lot of good things there are a lot of rec centers that offer it free of charge but if not then just pay to have him take the classes and trust me when i say this its soooooo worth it, i have my 3yr old and 11yr old in karate and they are so different now compared to 6 months ago.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    yes I doHow can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    Do u think maybe he is bored with the level he is on in the class room? daughter last year was also in the 1st grade and she started to act out then i found out cause the work she was doing was making her bored and was to easy for her so they tested her and she was put in advanced class for reading and math...she was find after that cause they callenged her mind...just a thought...good luck!How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    Something must rock his world? Thats what you take away?!My son got one sad bear in K and he got the disapointed in you speech, not acceptable behavior, education is important, school is important speech and no TV until the weekend. we haven't had a repeat-he's consistiently a good boy starting 2nd grade.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    My nephew is 6 and he just started school and hes already having problems too. He likes to live out his video games and he does a lot of playing around. Sometimes school systems are not the best for kids because we all know kids have to have their mind stimulated or they will find something to do and more than likely it wont be good. I take away tv, video games, toys and have the %26quot;talks,%26quot; i do time outs where he faces the wall, and i give spankings, i dont know how u feel about that but the mother is the law in the house and youve gotta lay it down.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    Since it happened so long ago already, just sit down and have a serious talk about it, and tell him why it is so important that he behaves in school.

    (Even though most first grade letters home aren't really bad problems, but still) ;)

    Get a box of treats (possibly a clear one that he can see what is inside) and everytime he comes home with a good note from the teacher, he gets one treat out of the box.

    If you think he is bored in class, maybe ask the school if there is a class for children who work on a higher level, or are ahead of the rest of the kids.

    It sounds to me like he's bored=)

    %26amp; I'm sure he's not the only one. I bet half of the class has trouble %26quot;not following directions.%26quot; It's tough following all of the rules at age six=)How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    If you can sit in on a few classes this might be a good idea. Be there to step right on the bad behaviour. Explain that while he behaves like this you will be right there to punish and will not leave till his behaviour improves. This is what they had to do to a child in my kids class last yearHow can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    I would not worry about your son. Look, this is just his first week in school and he needs to adapt. Most likely they do things in class that he is far ahead of intellectually, so he is bored and tries to be funny to impress his class mates. The teacher probably means well to inform you early of what s/he conceives of as a behavioral problem, but I would guess it is an over-reaction.

    Having said that, I think that you should talk with your son and tell him that he needs to adapt to expectations in school. I am sure that you will be able to get that point across, even if there may be an occasional relapse. And if problems in class persist, it is foremost the teacher's task to deal with them - it's an easy way out for him/her to dump the disciplining on parents. You might offer your cooperation though.

    But whatever happens don't lose faith in your son, I'm sure he will be doing fine.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    Before I look at just discipline for my 1st grader I would look at his day at school too. Is there enough time for him to get energy out? Snack times? Breaks between different projects?

    I think because teachers have so much to focus on they forget these little people are just that..... little people.

    My daughter had this same problem through first and then second grade. She entered 3rd this year. We resolved 95% of her issues by allowing her to take a mini break in between when she was acting up. These mini breaks were as small as walking 20 feet down the hall to get a sip of water to doing a small job that was aside from her regular work.

    We also got the teacher to implement a 3rd break in the afternoon to allow her and the class a small snack. Which all the children bennfited from.

    Sometimes all they need is a break from the constant focus that schools want... even from our little people.

    As far as the cuss word... that is something that should be worked on from home and school. He could have picked it up anywhere. I would warn him that its not good and come up with a plan as to what happens if he cusses again.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    If the teacher thinks he's bored she should be working on an enrichment plan for him. Set up a meeting to discuss whats being done to really keep him interested. As with any behavior problem, find his currency. If it's not video games or TV it will be something else (maybe Karate). Explain to him that if he gets in trouble at school, the fun activity stops at home. Let him know he can earn it back by not getting in trouble. Boys can be a little harder to wrangle at this age but should be showing a little more self discipline. Just work closely with the teacher and you can both come up with a plan that works. Good luck :)How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    My daughter got in trouble at school last year. (Shes a talker) She told us that she had to take '5 on the rug' (time out). So we made her stand in the corner when she got home. I got a note yesterday that she's also talkative this year. We gave her a good talking to, and told her to do her work, before talking. Even if its hours after your son has gotten in trouble, just tell him what is for even if it a few swats on the behind, or a few minutes in the corner. Good luck, hope it gets better :)How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    I'm not a parent myself and wont tell any one how to raise their children but........ I will try to help, I was raised in fostercair and and lived with many different children and saw how allow children do need to be punished and disciplined sometimes, However unless you fined out why your child is behaving the way he is then he will continue to miss behave.

    As your son is just starting school then maybe the problem rests their, he could be finding it hard to make new friends maybe he enjoys the attention or maybe he just misses his mother.

    As you find letters from the school hard to respond to maybe you could speak to his teacher in person over a cup of tea.

    %26quot;I hope that i have been of help and sorry about my bad spelling as a 22 yr old man i still spell like a 5 yr old%26quot;How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    for the cuss word have him write 10 times i will not cuss.

    For the other stuff tell him that he has to do what the teacher tells him to do.

    tell him their is no talking in class unless he is talked to. And that the next time you get a note from his teacher he will have to stay in his room for 15 min on his bed doing nothing.

    we had this problem last year with my 6 year old nephew who is also in first grade.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    When you get a note home form school ( no matter the grade level ) you should arrange a personal meeting with the teacher.

    Face to face is always better than notes or phone calls.

    Discuss exactly what the problem is and then come to a mutual agreement of how its to be handled.

    Never let a problem linger on for every-ones sake. You will then have a much better idea, how to enforce behaviour changes at home.

    Keep in mind some child are natural talkers and find it very difficult not to talk out of turn. This is where good class room teaching practises come in. Some teachers find this hard to implement in the class room . This is not to say the teacher is not dedicated and doesn't do his/her job well. The easy way out is to write notes to parents, in hope that they can find the answer.

    If he is very bright and bored, then an enrichment program is in order for him. Most schools have this or will make the

    suggestion of advancing him one grade level.

    It is always great to see a happy child in the class room. These are the children, that find learning fun and easy.

    He needs to be talked to by his teacher and yourself together and you both need to try and work to together as a team, on this behaviour.

    Cussing is never allowed and he needs to get the message it is not.

    As far a punishment for what has already happened, I would forget that. However, after your meeting with his teacher, then in the future, you can implement grounding, removing toys, etc., or what ever you agreed on.

    He is happy and needs to stay that way.

    Good luck to you and your son.

    ( Connie Mom of 4 and 5th. grade teacherHow can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    Yeah been there done that LOL..Okay well I would first ask how long has the teacher been teaching first grade? My son did first grade last year with a first year teacher and she handed out the warning like candy. He is a good kid that only received one warning for talking out of line in kindergarten so needless to say I too was shocked.

    I'm not a big fan of correcting him for something that the school has already handled with exception to him being disprespectful to another student/adult in anyway shape or form..that being said your son hasn't done that..

    So if it was me..Well I think what I would do instead is call the teacher and ask what he/she did about it..then I would talk it over with my son and explain to him the reason that the rules are in place. I don't see how punishing him will help..I did that in the beginning of last year and it made it so that my son would come home in tears for fear of losing tv/video game priveliges for something as stupid as talking out of line..How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    Well you have too educate him and tell him to calm down, and if he does well reward him with a toy or something, then he will know that if i he does good he will be rewarded.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    The not isn't sent home in order for you to punish the child. It is sent home in order for you to be AWARE of the problems and to discuss the problems with the child. YOU need to speak to your child about following the rules in school rather than behaving the way he wants to. Obviously there are no disciplinary measures in the home if he has access to television/vidoe games whenever he wants them rather than having to EARN them as privleges for good behavior. So he doesn't think the rules at school should apply to him as well.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    ok so im kinda like that im 12. liek in school we just do such boring things! whatever chance i have to make fun out of i use it! so the whole reason ur son is acting out is prob becuase hes bored ask ur teacher if he finishes his work fast becuase if u finish it quickly u rlly have nothing else to do then talk maybe before school u can tell him if u dont get in trouble all day we can get an ice cream or give him a little cross word puzzle and say when ur down with all ur work at school u can play with this ps he wont get into drugs at 15 thats bs!How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    If the teacher mentioned that she thought he might be bored, then it is a good possibility that it's true. I would speak to her about challenging him. Mabey she needs to give him some second grade worksheets. Mabey she could enlist him to help other children who need it in the class. Children love to feel needed, and be helpful. If you don't figure this out now, it won't be long before the teacher wants him to have an interview with the school psychyatrist, and they recommend medication! Keep him occupied and challenged! Good LuckHow can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    I think that the teacher should be the one responsable for his behaviour in class.. i belive she is taking it too far with the notes home.. the kid is only 5 for goodness sake..I use reward as opposed to punishment.... make a star chart for your son.. if he collects so many stars by the end of the week he gets a treat...make up red cards if he collects x amount of red cards in a week his treat is withdrawn, this usually never happens , and allows for some error, we are only human and even we as adults make mistakes, so good luck with your wee boy .. he sounds great ,full of energy, imagination and confidence, so dont worrry. xx ps give him a star for any tiny thing he does thats positive , the constant praise will give him good self esteem and eradicate any bad behavour..How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    Maybe you can start by using some kind of points (or star) for prizes reward system on a whiteboard or some poster. Then you can give him a point when he does something nice or good (like put away all of his toys when he is done playing with them) and take away a point every time he does something that he isnt supposed to do (like not following directions in school) When he as accumulated a certain amount of points, give him a prize or allow him to not exchange them right now and save up for a bigger prize. Just dont be too generous on the points (like 3 points gets you a small prize or something) or anything or else this might not work.

    If this doesnt really work, then you might have to start doing time outs and spankings. Just dont spank him for the smallest things and only use this if time outs dont work. Also, you can try and say that your going to spank him (cuz he hit you or something for example) and if he doesnt bite, follow up your words with action.

    Try positive reinforcements first and if that doesnt work, go to punishment. I also suggest having a chat with the teacher and talk to your son about his behavior at school cuz i think talking helps too.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
    Explain to him if he acts up in school he will be punished at home as well. When he gets a note from school,take privileges away for a week starting that day. No video games. No television.Early bed time. I know you said it doesn't bother him. But don't allow any fun.He has to do his homework right after school. After homework is done give him a chores to do(nothing to hard or strenuous. Like have help you clean the bathroom.Have him dust. Keep him to busy for anything fun.Aslo tell him using bad word is not acceptable and if he keps using them he will contuine to loose privlages.make him write line slike I will not se bad words.Since he is so young I would say no more than 25 lines to start.How can I correct my six year old%26039;s behavior at school?
  • camera
  • finger nails and toe nails
  • What brain structures would you choose to remove and why? How would you expect your behavior to change?

    The experiment involves looking at the functions of the various brain structures (e.g., cerebellum, cerebral cortex, medulla, etc). A mad scientist wants to do “removal studies” in order to isolate these functions. The mad scientist does have a heart, though – he lets you decide which brain structures you want to give up.What brain structures would you choose to remove and why? How would you expect your behavior to change?
    Amygdala. Sorry, I can't remember how to spell it properly. I'd be interested to see how it influences my emotions.

    Edit: I misunderstood the question. I wouldn't want to PERMANENTLY remove my Amygdala- only temporarily to see the effect.What brain structures would you choose to remove and why? How would you expect your behavior to change?
    Amygdala, although it makes us a little crazy the world would be flat and grey and boring because we wouldn't be able to feel emotions.

    If you would remove the amygdala you would probably become a robot or some psycho killer.

    How Long Does It Take For My Male Dog's Attidude and Behavior To Change After Having Him Fixed?

    I Had My Male Dog Fixed And It Seems That His Behavior Has Gotten Worse Around The Other Male Dogs , Is This Normal?How Long Does It Take For My Male Dog%26039;s Attidude and Behavior To Change After Having Him Fixed?
    Neutering doesn't make aggression go away. Neutering won't take away a dogs' inherited temperment. Neutering will, however, help with dominance issues.

    If you want to learn how to prevent his behaviour, consult an animal behaviourist.How Long Does It Take For My Male Dog%26039;s Attidude and Behavior To Change After Having Him Fixed?
    It takes 30 days or so for the testosterone to be gone, so yes it takes a while.How Long Does It Take For My Male Dog%26039;s Attidude and Behavior To Change After Having Him Fixed?
    Alot of the time it has nothing to do with male hormones. This dog sounds like he is constantly fighting for alpha male position in the pack. Make sure your dogs know you're the alpha male. There is a good book out there called %26quot;The Dog Listener%26quot; and it talks about chien dog bonding and all about pack order. Sorry, you may find that your dog may never change if he is constantly defending his alpha male position.How Long Does It Take For My Male Dog%26039;s Attidude and Behavior To Change After Having Him Fixed?
    how old is your dog? sometimes unwanted intact male dog behaviors are not completely fixed by neutering them because it's become a learned behavior. i wouldn't wait for him to get better about his behavior. now that he's neutered, get him into a obedience class and work on his socialization and obedience. keep him on a leash when around other dogs. and at the first sign of him becoming irritated, don't wait for him to get aggressive, tell him no in a firm voice and make him sit. make him sit there and pay attention. if he still keeps trying to go after the other dog, do not let him up, keep putting him in the sit position until he calms down. then let him back up. keep repeating the exact same action each and every time he does this. even if it seems to take forever. he will get the point this is not how you are to behave. he will understand this better if he knows that he will be corrected each and every time he does it and exactly what the correction will be. be consistent he will learn faster if he doesn't have to guess what's gonna happen next. getting him neutered was the best thing, now just work on the other problems. good luck.How Long Does It Take For My Male Dog%26039;s Attidude and Behavior To Change After Having Him Fixed?
    i got mine fixed at a year and a half for his aggression toward other dogs, and it didnt calm him down. well he's more a little more calm now but he's five and i think it's age, but he'll still scrap out of the blue. but i've noticed he tends not to fight when i'm not around or not close by, it seems my presence aggravates things. and he's especially fiesty when on a leash. so when he meets new dogs i let him off the leash and back off. it seems to work.

    Is "guilt" a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?

    Do you use it consciously and how effective is it? What is a better substitute?Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    I don't use guilt. It doesn't work and only builds resentment.

    I have found that positive reinforcement coupled with some ego-stroking works the best.

    Occasionally I use the %26quot;almost%26quot; cry. You know, where it looks like I'm going to cry, but am trying sooooo hard not to let him see it because I don't want him to do what I want just because I'm crying. (in reality,of course, I want him to see it and do what I want him to).Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Yeah i use it!!!! It's very effective !! hahaIs %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Used sometimes, unconsciously. Effective initially, but leads to resentment. Talking it out is a better substitute.Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Guilt does not work, eventually, the other spouse will wake up, pack up everything in the car and leave the situation, because they had enough.Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Screw guilt and shame. I do not use anything negative to use it against anyone. That is just mean spirirted. If you don't love then you have nothing. Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    It may be something you can use but should you? You should talk about problem areas but ultimately you married them. Accept them as they are and love them. Love and grace will do more than guilt ever could.Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Guilt can be a powerful tool. But I wouldn't suggest you to manipulate your partner's feelings. Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    I try not to use it, as it had been used on me for years. It was known to be very effective on me, and as a long term result, it created resentment from me tword my spouse. With resentment came anger and things continued to boil. I would not reccomend it...

    Good luck, and God Bless!!Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Read the book the Marriage builder. It talks about using manipulations and how bad that is. You will create more problems if you go down that road and it will continue to get worse till you decide to change yourself. you cant change someone else. I was surprised when I stepped back and looked at what I was doing. Good Luck.Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    at times when nothing else is working then yes thats the only effective tool a person has somtimes. but dont just guilt trip and manipulate them for no reason because thats just cruel. most couples 1 of them always does that then they build a subconscious habit of guilt triping their partner.

    But to answer your question yes . My girlfriend has some bad habits and issues like smoking and the only thing that gets through to her is telling her shes acting careless and not even thinking about me.. somday shes going to get cancer and ill lose her. thus we create the guilt aspect. just dont abuse your ability to subliminaly guilt trip and manipulate. im not saying you will but i hate seeing cruel people who abuse it and emotionaly abuse their partner.

    I hope everything works out smoothly for you.


    --lanceIs %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Guilt and sex are used by women all the time. But wait, if you married your %26quot;soulmate%26quot;, then why would you have to change them? that's why it's better when she has her place and I have mine, we don't have to try and change each other. Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Do you really think GUILT is an effective %26quot;tool%26quot; to use on a spouse? I dont think so, come on really . . . how immature are you to even ask a question like that.

    I think you need to try COMMUNICATION, heard that is suppose to work pretty well in relationships and marriages.Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Guilt is something your mother uses against you. Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Yes, it's a tool, but only if the spouse loves you and cares about you. If they don't have regard for your feelings then it won't make an impact.

    I've used it before but I did because I was still hurting from things in the past, but I don't anymore. I realized it was unhealthy and not helping us build a stronger marriage.Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Flat side of the Sword, Whip, and Chains are just as effective but Love, understanding, and communication are better substitutes Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    I think using gulit to change behaviour in your partner can just make things worse, i dont know what your partner is guilty of but if he's say cheated on you, and you forgave him and took him back then really you should'nt use this as a guilt trip every time you argue, after all you did take him back and forgave him, however if its something else that you have have forgave him for but just cant help bringing it up time and time again in an arguement then it could really just make things very bitter between you especially if you break up. Try to put past things behind you and start a fresh, the subsitute i would use other than guilt is talking about it like two grown ups, using gulit trips is petty and destructive. Good luck xIs %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    I do not think that guilt should be used as a tool on any relationship, OR spouse or anything for that matter, i say guilt is a way of manipulating someone into doing something that you want them to do, which clearly they do not want to do so why would i use guilt as a tool on them, you will never get the results that you're looking for by using that at all!

    Communication is a way better tool, or finding a solution is even better!Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Never, ever use guilt. Same rule applies in an argument. Never bring up the past. If the subject has been tackled before, it should be put to rest forever. Guilt will back fire on you. For one thing, if your spouse has a brain, he/she will realize that you are acting like a child and his/her opinion of you will drop drastically. Leave it alone. Find another way. Talking is better. Find a neutral ground and say things like %26quot;when you do this, it makes me feel like this%26quot;. That is a neutral way of getting your point across rather than placing blame, which does not help. When you place blame, use guilt, it puts the other person on the defensive, effectively closing off the line of communication. Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    No! First, I make an effort not to try and change my spouse. That will just lead to misery and disappointment for both people.

    And guilt is just such a cheap way of getting what you want. You shouldn't do that to the people you love. (enemies, however, are fair game! :)Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    It is a tool that my family and in my opinion religion has been using for years and years. I personally don't subscribe to this method.Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    I don't give him guilt trips anymore. I just tell him what he's not doing right and if he decides to change that's good if he doesn't then I'll only be seeing him when it's his turn to take the kidsIs %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    You can not change someone who doesn't want to change, no matter what weapon you use.Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Just because a change is to be made for the spouse , using a tool like %26quot;guilt%26quot; is absolutely wrong!

    If really her behaviour needs a change to be brought about a tool like , loving her / purchasing some thing for her / spending time with her only to be used instead of guilt againnst her!Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Sure it works. I know lots of people who do this to their spouses. They turn the tables and place the blame on the other by saying, %26quot;I did this because you did that. YOU need to change%26quot;. I wouldn't say it is the right thing to do. What is a better substitute? Pay the piper and own up to your actions. But, people who play the blame game have control over their spouses. If they can get by with it, they will.Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    No spouse here, if I did have one I doubt I'd use guilt, only because guilt is something that I've felt growing up. It's a big part of my culture..... and knowing how I felt and still do feel about those issues, I wouldn't want my spouse to feel the same. A better substitute is to show love and affection to my spouse.... or, be naughty and show love and affection at the same time, and in the moment of weakness maybe I'd get my way, well, maybe. (But after he sees this he'll know what I'm up to, so........ %26lt;I never did answer this question, wink%26gt; ok?)Is %26quot;guilt%26quot; a tool that you use to change the behavior in your spouse?
    Nope I've never used 'guilt' with my spouse mainly because I don't think it's appropriate besides which I'm married to one of those personality types who is impervious to guilt. He wouldn't recognize it if it came up and bit him on the bottom.

    A better subsitute would be any positive reinforcement from which your spouse particularly derives pleasure.

    How much will his behavior change if he knows????? ?

    ok so i was stupid and told a girl who i like and she told one of his friends, now im worried that his friend is going to tell him that i like him.... i know it sounds so juvinile, and it is we're thirteen, but im really ner vous, i've been laughed at for liking a guy once and i dont want it to happen again, but if it does im going to handle it much better..... if his friend tells him what could happen? will he act different around me? in a good way or a bad way? i think he likes me, but im still not sure.... How much will his behavior change if he knows????? ?
    If he likes you it might be weird at first but once u 2 start talking and

    hanging out he will start 2 have feelings for u as well. U never know he could like you now and if he does find out he will be relieved

    Why did his behavior change over night?

    so this guy really liked me and seemed like a genuinely good guy with good values. He is a very good kid, against drinking and drugs, against divorce, believes people tend to take the easy way out now a days. He told me I always made him smile and he called me pretty and said I was the perfect woman except for that i wasn't into sports. I told him i wasn't ready to be in a relationship becuz of my last one, but I would be willing to give him a chance and he seemed to understand. He said he would wait on me even if it took two years. I told him that maybe he should see what else is out there and not get hung up on me but he said he wanted to wait and one day he even showed up at my door with chicken selects, my favorite food. However, yday out of the blue he asks if i would be upset if he had a gf and that he did and it kinda just happened that day and today he has been acting kind of cocky and last week he texted me a lot less than normal. I told him i felt some of the statements he made were contradictory and so it made me question his trust, character and integrity. I don't get how he called me perfect and now has another girl and was willing to wait on me. Now his excuse is that i told him he should look around and he wanted a relationship and i didnt.

    Why did his behavior change over night?
    Because he's a dumby.Why did his behavior change over night?
    wow weird same thing happend to me... i never reply to his txt mssges or calls then he just stopped ,,,,, he just kept u to be a backup or his new girl ...think about it all of a suddesn a new girl ...

    just have fun ...a guy should be worth ur time ....

    there are plenty of guys who do crazy things to get with you i had my share but i never gave up to anyone i learned from my frnds mistakes.
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  • Why the sudden behavior change in my dog?

    OK so my female dog is pregnant and is due to give birth in 2-3 weeks. Lately, my male dog, Ty, has been acting aggressive lately. He's been pacing, and barking very loudly at night. When I came outside to see why, he leaped on me and gripped my arm between his teeth. It hurt even though it didn't draw blood. He usually doesn't act like this. I remember reading something about a male dog feeling protective over the female when she's pregnant? I have no idea why he's acting this way. Sometimes he's regular but other times, he's really aggressive. I often hear him growling and when i come outside for the usual game of fetch, he would rather nip me and dig his claws into my back.

    (Please no answers about how dumb it is to let my dog get pregnant. I know there are many homeless dogs out there and it just happened.)

    My question is why is my dog acting this way? Can he sense if my female is pregnant and why would he act that way towards me even if i'm nowhere near her? Why the sudden behavior change in my dog?
    You're probably right. He knows the female is pregnant and for some weird reason, he thinks you may be a threat. I'd watch his behavior real closely. Don't let strangers or children around him at ALL. If he gets too aggressive take him to the vet and explain what's going on and see what the vet says. Is he neutered? This could make a difference too. If he's not I'd take him in to get neutered. Just make sure you watch him. There's nothing worse than a good dog attacking someone(or his owner).

    He has his rabies shot right? O.oWhy the sudden behavior change in my dog?
    Sounds like he is becoming protective because of the female. Still he should not be biting you like that under any circumstances. I think you should phone a professional trainer. And ignore anyone who tells you to see Ceaser the dog whisperer he is not a profesional and will only make it worse.

    How to change preschooler's behavior?

    My daughter breaks/damages what her classmates make. She doesn't know how to play nicely with them.At the end they say' I dont want to be your friend' .But she is really comfortable playing with adults as adults are more tolerant to her.This is partly because she doesn't have any siblings to play and share. Any suggestion how to change her behavior towards other kids?How to change preschooler%26039;s behavior?
    Invite your friends and their children over to your house more often so you can see how she plays and teach her what is right and wrong. My little boy was really bad a t sharing his toys until i started looking after my friends kids and could teach him some social skills. Now he's so sweet and polite. xHow to change preschooler%26039;s behavior?
    Try talking to the child alone, maybe with the teacher? Ask the teacher to email you about her, if se disrespects other children! ste up a naughty corner/step and make her sit in it if she is bad! Also, make restrictions on her TV/Computer and other things too!

    Did you child's behavior change after starting school?

    My son has been in school for three weeks (started Kindergarten) and had completely changed his personality. Besides picking up hitting (fists closed), full of defiant %26quot;NO's%26quot;, he has started running around the house pushing me out of the way saying I got here first. He doesn't listen anymore, does whatever he wants, screams around the house %26quot;You can't make me%26quot; and other things.

    What the freak is going on and how do I get back my polite young man? He has even started being rude to other people that have known him his whole life (grocery store cashiers, mail man, Grandmother, etc.).Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    As parents, few situations are more difficult to deal with than having a child who is aggressive toward other children. It can be embarrassing as well as frightening when your child bites, hits, scratches or kicks to get his or her way. It’s not uncommon for younger children to engage in this type of behavior at various points in their development and in a variety of settings. However, when it becomes very frequent or seems to be their consistent way of reacting to something they don’t like, it’s time to step in and help them change their behavior. The first step is understanding the underlying reasons why your child is choosing to act out this way. The more you understand what’s happening, the better you’ll be able to help them find other, non-aggressive ways to solve their problems.

    At times, children will verbally draw a line in the sand, stare you in the eye and say “You can’t make me.” When they say this, what they’re looking for is a fight, and it’s important not to give them one. By responding with “Oh yes I can,” there’s a threat implied, and it’s only going to further escalate the situation. You’re giving the child control by joining into the fight that you’ve been invited to. It’s important to remember not to engage the child on her level. Instead, respond to your child by taking your emotions out of the equation and focusing back on the matter at hand.

    Read More Below:Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    I suggest you have a talk with his teacher. Perhaps she knows what's going on.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    He is out in the real world with lots of peer pressure now. He has to act like the other kids so he can fit in. My kids changed drastically when they started school, and it never got any better. The older they got, the worse it got.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    Well school does that to people.

    Surrounded by peopel who are different than him

    May have a bad affect on him.

    Hes picking up things that he has seen or heard around school.

    The kids around school are obviously not a good influence on him.

    Just be patient. Teach him what you want

    Tell him what you want from him and reward him with

    A mini certificate or some candy or something like that.

    Only if he does good though.

    It will teach him to naturally have manners.

    Bribing is something that works almost all the time.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    its probably because he started hangin around with other kids that he wants to be like or just wants to big and badDid you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    my friend's lil boy was like that to. what they did to try to help him was talk to his teachers and have kids from his school come over and play. they also made a tim out chair so if he acts up according to how old he is he stays in that chair for them mins. like if he's 2 then he stays in there for 2 mins. if u have another child like they do they split up there time with each son.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    My son acts almost the same but mine is 4yrs old and he goes to pre school.. He gets home mad and talking back to me. I have no idea why but I think all kids are like that.. What I do I put him in time out it works sometimes lol.. But hang in there..Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    okay i am a mother of 2 and they r 15 %26amp; 13,they never did things like that and it is not true that school does that to your children nor is it doesn't get any better. you just need to remind him he is a big boy going to school now and he needs to behave like a big boy. you need to start punishing him in %26quot;big boy ways%26quot;, like no t.v,no favorite toy,no games,no toy or candy at the store and a good one is a stern crack on his bottom.he will get better once things settle down.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    My daughter responded the same way to Kindergarten last year. It wasn't as defiant as you describe, but during daycare and Pre-K, her teachers would always praise her for being perfectly behaved all the time. In K, she wasn't always raising hell, but she had days where she would get in trouble for talking, not following instructions, and rushing to get her work done so she could do what she wanted.

    I would have a talk with her when she got a bad report. It was calm and I was respectful. I talked to her just as I would an adult and explained how it wasn't fair to others to act the way she was. If there was a repeat of the specific behavior, she lost TV, ice cream privileges, etc.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    I've seen the same thing happen with other kids when they start school.

    We homeschool so this hasn't happened with mine. But what you are seeing sounds normal.

    What happens is they get around other kids and learn new behavior.

    You just need to put your foot down %26amp; say him %26quot;I don't know where you learned to act like that we don't act like that in our family.%26quot; Then tell him why you feel it is wrong.

    He needs to be punished too if he doesn't listen to you when you say no and talks back.

    Take away favorite toys or lose time on the computer, video games or some other fun item.

    When he is rude you need to gently take his arm and make sure he looks into your eyes. Tell him %26quot;We do not talk to people like that.%26quot; Then you need to stop what you are doing and march him off some where quiet. Talk to him about why it wrong. Again he needs to be punished losing a toy or special computer time.

    When he hits he needs a big punishment. Think of what he loves most and he needs to lose that or that special time for a few days or even a week if a few days don't help.

    Let him know if he keeps up this behavior life can get very unhappy.

    Also let him know how upset his behavior makes you. I remember one time when my son was acting up a lot I let him see how sad I was (made my face look overly sad) then I told him %26quot;You really make my heart hurt deep inside when you act like this.%26quot;

    This really shocked my little boy and I could tell he didn't want to hurt me.

    I told him when he acts up it hurts my heart. Being a mommy's boy he didn't like this.

    Hope this helps.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    My daughter didn't start being rude or anything, but when she came home from school she would just be so freaking hyper, running all over the place, jumping around. I think it was just her having all that built up energy from having to sit quietly all day, she would just let loose when she got home. I did eventually pass and she is back to normal, I guess she just had to adjust. The only undesirable behavior thing I don't like is everything turned into a competition w/ her little sister. She wanted to be first for everything, she had to race to the car, race to the door. It drove me nuts, I tried to just let it die out on its own, but it didn't so I had to put a stop to the racing. And finally now in to 1st grade, all is back to normal.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    talk to the teacher....what kind of class room is she running??Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    yes they learn from other children at school and if the teacher just gives that child who started it in the class room all the attention he is acting out.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    Talk to the teacher. Maybe he's struggling with the school work; maybe he is feeling left out by the other kids; maybe he's shy and frustrated; maybe the teach is at the point of nagging/ riding his case?

    But, it does sound like he has a lot of anger and frustration right now. So, as you discipline him for his behavior, try to really ask him what's really bothering him. Listen to what's going on at school.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
    He sounds angry, poor little guy.

    Our child changed after starting school. Turned out she had an abusive teacher. We switched schools and she was almost choked to death by a classmate.

    We've been homeschooling now for over 3 years, and our child is happy, healthy, independent, and educated.

    All the best.

    Why the behavior change?

    A guy who seems to be interested in me that i've known for 9-10 months asked ALOT my love life one day out of the blue, and at the very end of asking all these questions when he asked what I liked in men cause he wanted to know more about me, I said something stupid like 'OMG, You ask worse than someone's parents..%26quot; and he said %26quot;ok.....ok%26quot; and dropped the subject and coincidnetally ever since then he's been more serious, less playful, less flirty than he's been for as long as i known him. And since he's asked about my %26quot;status%26quot; we've gotten into an argument and he's been a little more a frustrated sort of way. This past friday I talked to him about how he's been sorta mean lately and he didn't realize he was and apologized and felt bad and agreed to stop..but since then he's even less playful/flirty/teasing and less inclined to talk...and more do you think I did anything or is it just coincidence. How do I fix things, I want him back to the way he usually is!Why the behavior change?
    I'm guessing the comment about being worse than parents is the reason. I'm a parent now, but if someone told me that back when I was younger, I would probably not take it as a compliment. I think he's just acting pissy cuz he thinks you don't like him. He was trying to take an interest in you by asking all those questions...get to know who you really are and what you thought. Your comment probably felt like a rejection to him and, even though it doesn't seem like a rejection to me, that's made him less playful to you. He doesn't want to be rejected again.

    Just be nice to him...and if you explain your comment as having been playful (which is the way I think you meant it), he'll likely revert back to being his old self.

    Good luck!

    Adderall side effects, Experiance any behavior change. Change in sex drive, Do you feel like you don't care.?

    Anyone have bad acne from using Adderall? Or has your hair and skin changed? How long have you been taking it. Do you plan to get off?

    If you do, what is your dosage? Do you drink enough water?

    Do you think the acne is cause from the med or not enough water.

    Only answer if you take regularly with a prescription. Also list any other Meds you are taking with the Adderall. Have you ever tryed to detox from Adderall. If so? How, and How long did it take youAdderall side effects, Experiance any behavior change. Change in sex drive, Do you feel like you don%26039;t care.?
    I've been on Adderall XR 20 mg for about a year. I sometimes take a 10 mg regular release tablet in the afternoons if I have a lot of studying to do. Yes, my acne got worse (especially around my neck, jawline and back!) which sucks, but I find myself drinking more water than usual when I've taken the Adderall, so I don't think its because of that.

    Other meds I take: celexa and birth control pill

    I've tried to come off Adderall when I'm not in school or have a break and don't need to study or do much productive stuff, but it's been too hard! I can't wake up without it (and sometimes WITH it - which means I've built up a tolerance to the 20 mg but the doc doesn't think she needs to up the dose). If I don't take it I would literally sleep all day.

    Also, my sex drive didn't change. I also didn't have any extra motivation to study, so sometimes I'd take it and end up just cleaning my whole house or getting little unimportant things done instead of studying. :/Adderall side effects, Experiance any behavior change. Change in sex drive, Do you feel like you don%26039;t care.?
    What were you taking it for? Yes my sex drive was off the hook had trouble sleeping lost weight.I switched to a alternative which lessened detox..Nerves on edge caused acne ..zinc helped water not sure but could not hurt.
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  • Girlfriend Behavior Change - Cheating?

    Ok, I'm not looking for everyone to just jump in and say YES she's cheating. I am looking for answers that have a bit a merit and are thought out.

    Here's my situation.

    My girlfriend 1 month ago changed her days at work because she says %26quot;They need more help on these days%26quot;

    That would be a valid reason except she complains all the time about how she really wants to quit. Why would she want to help a store that she really doesn't want to work at?

    She has gone out to lunch %26quot;With the girls%26quot; several time in the last 2 months, which she has never done in the 4 years we have been together.

    And in the bed room she has just added an %26quot;entry point%26quot; Ha Ha. that was never an option in the 4 years we have been together. Not sure if there are more things I am missing. What are you thoughts.Girlfriend Behavior Change - Cheating?
    I dont think there is anything conclusive in what you say to point to cheating on your g/fs part.The job thing, maybe she thought changing days would make the job more tolerable and not such chore. People complain about %26quot;the job%26quot; all the time. Lunch with the girls? Maybe its just that. Maybe that broached the change in days as well. As for the other %26quot;new thing%26quot; are you complaining? Girls talk you know. Maybe %26quot;lunch with the girls%26quot; gave the urge to try it. I think your g/fs new developement has made you a bit insecure. I think this may be more like whats behind your thoughts of her cheating.

    How can I change my behavior towards my boyfriend?

    I tend to be somewhat insecure in the relationship with my boyfriend because we have broken up and gotten back together. I find myself doing the %26quot;girl thing%26quot;. I will tell him I'm sorry for doubting his intentions, and then turn around and ask if we are together. We are in a LDR and I work with guys. I went out with the for poker and then found myself saying %26quot;I know you don't like me hanging out with the guys%26quot; (so then why go even if it's innocent)? I tell him I will be more supportive of our relationship and then I question his intentions.

    How can I let go of my insecurities and learn to enjoy him? I really do love him and I want to marry him.How can I change my behavior towards my boyfriend?
    You have to just let things be. You have to assume that things are going perfectly with the two of you. Even if it pains you, let him go do his thing. Even if you think it may not be innocent, you have to believe it is. You have to trust him. And he has to be able to trust you to trust him. If you end up getting hurt in the end, you will move on. But it's better to trust him not to hurt you. People have a weird way of living up to expectations. Expect the best of him.How can I change my behavior towards my boyfriend?
    Honey, you need some hobbies and a few girlfriends. You are smothering the man to death! No wonder he's trying to get away! Leave him alone and stop the constant whining and %26quot;insecurity%26quot; thing. Men are not attracted to whiney, clingy women. Find something positive to do with your time when you're not around him; or he's out with the guys. And stop the insecure behavior. You're only insecure if you CHOOSE to be that way! It's not working for you, dear, so put it away and start looking outside of this so called %26quot;relationship%26quot; for more ways to enjoy your life.How can I change my behavior towards my boyfriend?
    Be true to yourself by being yourself! If he can檛 accept you 榓s you?then perhaps it is he who should change!

    楾rust?is important in any relationship. If you are doubting his intentions, and he isn檛 trusting you going out with other guys, then perhaps the 榯rust?isn檛 there for either of you, and the relationship isn檛 worth saving!

    In what ways does woman's behaviour change after she loses interest in a guy?

    Ok i know this girl like me a lot, as in had a big crush on me. However things have altered slightly due to things not working out but because we have always been friends i cant tell if she still has romantic interest in me or not.

    How do i distinguish behaviour that is her being a really close friend to behaviour where she still wants more?In what ways does woman%26039;s behaviour change after she loses interest in a guy?
    If she waits for your phone calls, messages, etc. If she's very touchy feely with you and affectionate, tells you about things she looks for in a man (then proceeds to describe you!), runs to you when she needs support, makes jokes to you, is always there for her when you need her, will get up in the middle of the night to answer a message from you, if she spends more time with you than any of her other guy friends, etc. then she probably likes you. You can always flirt with her a bit, and if she seems down with it, you'll know she probably likes you too. Don't wait until its too late, my boyfriend and I found out we had liked each other for 4 or 5 years before we did anything about it. We were best friends, and so far we've been together for a long time and are really happy together. Being with a friend is so much better than someone you just met, because you already know everything about them and know you love them for it. Good luck!In what ways does woman%26039;s behaviour change after she loses interest in a guy?
    actions, mate, actions.. closeness, wanting to go do things together that's the good behavior.. bad behavior is not paying any attention to you, hanging with some other guy.. no more texts. no more phone calls things like that.. good luck and I do wish you love.

    Grant MIn what ways does woman%26039;s behaviour change after she loses interest in a guy?
    1) she calls/txts you (not just to reply)

    2) she's the one that asks to hang out

    3) she doesn't talk about other dudes around you

    4) she spends the bulk of her free time with you

    5) she's touchy

    6) she doesn't say sh|t like %26quot;you're like a brother to me%26quot;In what ways does woman%26039;s behaviour change after she loses interest in a guy?
    Only you can see that ,pay attentionIn what ways does woman%26039;s behaviour change after she loses interest in a guy?
    She might act reserved toward you. Kind of like it feels weird now and she doesnt know what to do. You can come right out and ask her. If she isnt all over you or she isnt flirting with you then thats safe to assume she is over it. Dont make more out of it than it is or you will embarass both of you and there goes the friendship out the window. Good luck.

    How can you change apathetic behavior?

    ok.. i don't want to go into detail because i'm one of those writers who writes A LOT. so, apathy...apathetic behavior that has been part of one's life for years there treatment, tips to change (assuming that one has a small shred of willpower left to do so)?How can you change apathetic behavior?
    I don't know, I just don't feel like doing anything.How can you change apathetic behavior?
    that is one of the huge problems: you can't make someone care. it is extremely difficult to make someone care about something they don't care about, because we as human beings spend so much of our time, effort, and energy convincing ourselves that we are right in our choices of what we care about and don't care about. we get social support from other people to back us up, and ignore evidence that will compel us to change or look bad.

    that being said, i suggest doing some extreme activities. not as in, extreme sports that could kill you, but just get the apathetic person to do things that they have never done before, and probably never will, simply to expose them to what is out there to care about. get them to try new things, since they don't seem to care about what they've seen of the world already. see new things, meet new people, do new activities, just expose the person to as much of what life has to offer and as much of possible things they could care about.

    How has women's behavior changed from around 1950 to now?

    im doing a report on how women's behavior has changed and would like to hear from anyone who has lived from 1950 or 1960 and the things they've noticed. Any help is greatly appreaciated. Thank you.

    Also if you use a site could you say the site you got the information from?How has women%26039;s behavior changed from around 1950 to now?
    I was born in 1954 so I have a viewpoint which may be relevant. My mother was typical of the time. She stayed at home and looked after the home and family until I was about 12. She was obsessed with housework and eventually the doctor told her that her mind was too active and that she should get a job. Which she did, on a part time basis. However, she also lacked confidence, so it was not unknown for her to have a panic attack. Each day my father drove her to work, with the assurance that he would come back if she could not cope. Rather like Mum's dropping off a young child at playschool, once there, she was fine.

    My mother (who is 75) is of the second world war generation and she was often pulled out of school for family reasons and never achieved (academically) her full potential.

    Her shame was having a school report which commented that she was an intelligent girl who's potential would never be realised because of family pressures and enforced absences. She left school at the age of 14, which was not uncommon then. She married my father at the age of 21.

    I was the age when the educational system in the UK changed. So, I had a choice whether to say on until 16 or leave at 15. I stayed on and my younger sister did not. So, we both left school the same year. I had wanted to go to university but was not allowed to. So, most of the qualifications I now have were earned by holding down a full time job and going to college in the evening. I have a qualification which is a tad short of a degree.

    For me, home and family was important, but so was my self development and striving to reach my full potential.

    The other imprtant factor is the work scenario. In the 50's a woman was, for the most part, dependant on her husband for financial security.

    By the time I started work in the late 70's that was changing. More women worked full time and were financially independant.

    Now I am in my 50's I am totally independant. I live alone, work full time, pay my own bills, look after my own home and financial issues.

    My mother still does not have a clue about finances as Dad (79) takes care of all the financial/insurance/investment issues.

    Back in my mother's day young women did not get drunk and if they went out at night their brothers would make sure they got home safely. In those days in the UK homes where small and the boys were allowed to wash in the kitchen but the girls had to wash upstairs.

    A late night out for my mother was 9:00 p.m.

    For me it was 11:00 p.m.

    These days if the young people (over 18) are in before about 3 a.m. they don't think they have had a good night out.

    Hope this helps.

    How has women%26039;s behavior changed from around 1950 to now?
    I my opinion, more women now have a higher self esteem, than in 1950s.How has women%26039;s behavior changed from around 1950 to now?
    I wasn't born until the 1980's. But from what I've learned and what I've observed, women in the 1950's were much less confident, usually did not have a job, were absolutely devoted to their husband and children, and absolutely under no circumstances expressed a sex-drive. And they never used dirty language ever.

    Now women are confident and cool, they have high educations and jobs just like men, they may or may not care about getting married or having kids, they don't mind expressing sexual desires, and they have no shame about the way they talk.

    In other words, women have become more like men with regards to behavior.

    Sorry, but I have no legitimate source for this. Like I said, this is just stuff I've picked up from observations and education. How has women%26039;s behavior changed from around 1950 to now?
    Women don't constitute a homogenous group any more than goldfish keepers constitute a homogeneous group.

    Behavior differs between individuals.

    For information on some of the most important behavioral theories in psychology please see

    'Chapter 4: Learning Theory and Behavioral Psychology'


    %26quot;Perhaps the most well known Behaviorist is B. F. Skinner (1904-1990). Skinner followed much of Watson檚 research and findings, but believed that internal states could influence behavior just as external stimuli. He is considered to be a Radical Behaviorist because of this belief, although nowadays it is believed that both internal and external stimuli influence our behavior.%26quot;

    *Temperament/disposition has fairly recently been proven to be a function of genes. No amount of %26quot;conditioning%26quot; will change a person's disposition. They are hardwired to be who they are.How has women%26039;s behavior changed from around 1950 to now?
    In the 1950s and 60s, women tended to be less obsessed with work than they are now, and more likely to want to get married and raise a family. I remember Jilly Cooper writing about her youth in the 60s, all the women in the office where she worked intended to give up work when they got married, she said having to go on working after marriage was considered highly undesirable.

    Women who were serious about pursuing careers were more likely to stay single, %26quot;juggling%26quot; was not seen a a particularly desirable activity by either career women or housewives. Women who wanted or needed to keep working after marriage could certainly do so though, my mother-in-law for instance worked throughout the childhood of my husband and his brothers.

    Women who did stay at home often had a very agreeable life. I remember my own mother and her friends were always in and out of each other's houses having coffee and chatting. My mother had the leisure to do the shopping and housework in her own time, without having to cram it in around a job. She had plenty of time to devote to her own interests, she painted pictures and was a keen gardener, and had several friends with whom she kept up frequent correspondence.

    There was high employment in the 50s and 60s, so people worried less about getting jobs. There were loads of jobs for people who left school at 16 or earlier, with few qualifications or none at all.

    The notion of 'free love' came in in the mid 60s, and with the contraceptive pill readily available, girls were able to have sex without having to worry about becoming pregnant. There was no AIDS in those days, so people were more relaxed about sex. Homosexuality between consenting adults over 21 was legalised in 1967.

    In the 70s, when I was young, there were still plenty of jobs, though think women were still being paid less than men in some cases, I remember the Equal Pay Act being passed in 1975. And of course 1979 was when we got our first female Prime Minister, Mrs Thatcher.

    Cinema was at a low point, the big old cinemas that used to proliferate in most towns were being knocked down or converted into several small cinemas so that three different films could be shown. Two of them usually had horrible small screens. There weren't many outstanding female stars in the 70s, nobody to compare with the strong female leads of the 30s 40s and 50s.

    You could listen to music on the radio, but otherwise if you wanted music you had to go out and buy records or cassettes, which I think came in in the early 70s. If you had a radio casette player you could record stuff off the radio, which was amazing. I was never very musical, but I did like Abba, I really admired the two female lead singers, Iiked their songs and their crazy clothes. And I liked Suzy Quatro, I thought she was really cool.

    By the 80s, the idea of 'juggling' was becoming very popular. Leaving work on marriage was going out of fashion, maternity leave was the new thing, you were supposed to rush back to work after giving birth. This was considered to be 'liberation', though in my opinion it's a recipe for total exhaustion. There were fewer jobs, rising unemployment, and more young people were staying on at school and going to college, rather than leaving at sixteen.

    AIDS manifested itself in the mid-80s, and everyone started worrying about that. Also there were a lot of health scares about the contraceptive pill, so the combination of these two factors led to a big boost for the condom industry.
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