Thursday, September 22, 2011

How does evicting someone change their behaviour?

Browns says difficult people may be evicted... but doesn't seem to say what happens to them then.How does evicting someone change their behaviour?
It doesn`t do anything by evicting them it just shifts the problem else where

New tough prisons need to be built the tax payer wouln`t mind there tax going to something good

longer tougher prison sentences without early release

anyone caught with a bladed object in public should face and seve 6 years in prison without early release,

causing harm to anyone with the bladed object should be 12 years in prison

the government need to also make young people realise that knife crime is not the answer

even bringing back national service to teach some of themHow does evicting someone change their behaviour?
Who cares? If they can't look after their kids, the kids will be put ionto care and the parents can fend for themselves - maybe this will make them take responsibility for their children, instead of foisting it onto others in the community.

I am so sick of hearing %26quot;There's nothing for the kids to do, I can't watch over them 24 hours a day, etc etc%26quot;

Well for their information, you should know where your kids are, who they are with, and take them to swimming pools, or just out to the country with a picnic - give them responsibilities in the home, with rewards and consequences if not carried out - in other words, put some time and effort into raising young people who are part of the community, not wreckers...How does evicting someone change their behaviour?
They can starve for all I care, people must be held responsible for their anti-social behaviour especially if they are living of subsidies paid by the taxpayers.How does evicting someone change their behaviour?
It's just more of Brown's rhetoric since he has no more idea what to do about the present criminal behaviour that the man in the moon.How does evicting someone change their behaviour?
It doesn't. The same threat came with the ASBO's adn Acceptable Behaviour Contracts, if the person doesn't adhere the family is supposed to be evicted. When this happens, the council then do not automatically have to rehouse, which they would in other circumstances, as it is deemed that they made themselves homeless. Of course this will not improve anyone's behaviour. In my experience what usually happens is the vicitms or neighbours who are suffering because of a 'problem' family are moved instead, as in many cases so many neighbours have to give evidence and are then victims of 'retribution'. And of course the problem family can then claim that their circumstances have been made worse by the Council, neighbours etc.

Anyway, a shorter answer would be it is suppposed to be a deterrent, and make the parents be more responsible. Only usually in these cases the parents don't give a ****. So it will never work.How does evicting someone change their behaviour?
good question......... i certainly think that trouble families should not be given social! housing and should definitely be given a three strikes and your evicted situation at the very least. i saw my street go from a lovely peace full street of friendly people, to a hell hole and a crime ridden dump inside of a year!! and all because of a few houses being given to social miss fits who would not! mix in and become part of the community. what do you do with these people?..........i would say stop them breeding might be a good start. and perhaps a pest control man who comes around and sprays some thing that solves the problem???.....sorry but i have very little time for the idiots. they make peoples life a misery and then expect sympathy and understanding. its a frigging joke!!How does evicting someone change their behaviour?
They have to go to the soup kitchen, and be pissed on whilst they sleep in shop doorways.

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