Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?

On this site and many others I see average laypeople trying to give advice on how to address aggression, fear and shyness and other behavior problems.

What worked on your dog or what you saw on tv is relevent to that specific situation and does not apply to every dog or every situation. Behavior problems should be evaluated and addressed on an individual basis by a professional. The wrong advice will make problems worse or create a problem that was not previously there.

Dog owners should first contact their local SPCA or shelter for recommendations on local trainers and behavior consultants (some shelters have in-house consultants who offer behavior services - some of the top behavior specialists in the country work for shelters).

While changing behavior does involve working with the dog, a HUGE part of the process is working with the owner, to help them improve their technique and timing. None of this can be accomplished through advice over the internet.Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
I agree with you. And, for the most part I do see that the better answers tell the person to take the dog to the vet or to enroll in obedience classes or search for a dog behaviorist.

On the other hand, the average American dog owner will not even spend the money to put their dog through a beginner dog training class. They don't spend the time to socialize the dog. Then when the dog has behavior problems the solution most the time is dumping it in a shelter or giving it away.

So, if some free advise on the Internet can get these folks to maybe try something suggested and maybe see some improvement and then maybe they will enroll the dog in a class or phone the SPCA and ask about a consultation with a behaviorist.

I'd like to see people have to pass a test before being allowed to own a dog sort of like passing a test before being allowed to drive. Not ever go to happen, but it sure would cut down on the dogs in shelters.Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
Because cheap fools ask for it?Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
Advice over the internet is, by no means, a subsitute for professional vet care and advice. however, if one is unable to reach a vet quickly, he/she can seek the advice of other experts or knowledgeable people over the internet for general advice on helping and treating their pets.

There is nothing wrong with trying info over the internet, but one should be aware of the apparent risks and be sure the procedure will nto harm the pet (s).

But as a rule of thumb, a vet should be mandatory. But there is nothing wrong with asking for general help if one is in a situation which he cannot see a vet quickly or do not have enough money.Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
It is just as possible to get good behavioral advice over the internet as it is reading or talking to someone or taking a class. You just have to know how to filter out the ...well, that stuff and get the best advice for use.Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
Well a lot of people do answer that you should get a professional, but then offer advice on what worked for them. I don't think this is their only source of information.

On that same note a lot of trainers are awful! They make the problems worse some only want positive reinforcement and just ignore them when they are bad and others are overly forceful using harsh corrections. Some are just as stubborn as the dog and refuse to believe they need to try something else for certain dog personalities.

Also some of the behavior problems are not that life altering that you need a pro although aggression is it would not be my advice to call a pro for potty training.

I am not a professional but have worked with my dog with several of them the first one I fired because he was too harsh the second one tried several things until we found something that worked and I don't have a SPCA where I live we have one larger shelter and a dog pound the shelter is just now putting into effect a behavior program for people with dogs that need more than basic training.

I do hope that this is not the only resource that they are usingWhy do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
You are correct but you must also realize that not everyone has access to services that you have described. I was talking with a gentleman from India and they have no clue what to do there. I give only basic advice. What I know works. I would never give any advice about aggressive dogs or extremely submissive or fearfully shy dogs. They can become biters and must be handled with care and with a professionals advice.

People also want a quick fix and you know as well as I do that it doesn't exist. They don't want to take the dog for obedience training or cant afford to or don't have it available to them.

I will continue to give basic advice but if I can tell it needs a professional then that's what I answer.

You also have to know that most people here cant afford even obedience training never mind getting a behaviorist in to evaluate their dog. So even though your correct it rarely happens.Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
From my perspective a large part of this is due to the fact that everyone thinks they know how to train dogs. Ignore the fact that they have one of the most ill mannered dogs in the world, they think they know what they're doing.

Cost is probably the most common other reason.

I actually have to laugh at most of the replies that I see. It is usually quite apparent that they person replying doesn't know what they are talking about.

In Illinois, as in many states, there is nothing to prevent anyone from putting out a shingle saying that they are a professional dog trainer. In Chicago they have a woman who uses some pretty abusive methods to train dogs (multiple electronic collars). She claims to be a disciple of the %26quot;dog whisperer%26quot;. I won't make any comments about him. She has a website where she offers a $10,000.00 challenge to anyone to go against her. Fascinating is that one of the BIG requirements of her challenge is that she picks the judges.

I've been teaching obedience for 30+ years and tracking for 20+ years and still have a LOT to learn.

Two suggestions that I would add.

1 - Go to a class WITHOUT your dog. If you're not comfortable with the training methods, there usually is a reason for it.

2 - Most reputable trainers can give you a LONG list of people who have gone to them for lessons.Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
Canine behavior is something I know like the back of my hand. It is not breed specific.

As a Canine Behaviorist, Master Dog Trainer %26amp; groomed for 15 years specializing in behavioral problems I know the advise I give people is a tool that can be used to correct a specific behavior. I give at least two or three ways of going about what they need to do to attain the best results.

I know that we assume a lot of things in our answers but the questions are so vague I usually ask for more information. I have been contacted many times after a post for further advise.

But if people would just associate canine behavior to their dogs instead of human behavior they would better understand the little creature they have.

I have found on this site %26amp; from working for the public that people are just plain ignorant. They simply don't know.

Most of my suggestions %26amp;/or advise is from knowing what I know. From years of study %26amp; personal experience I give freely for what I had to pay thousands for. I just want people to undersand what they are facing %26amp; how to go about fixing issues that pop up.

I have quit answering some questions because they are ask over %26amp; over again, day after day. Those I suggest that they use the 'search for questions' in the green bar at the top of the page.

A fear biter is a fear biter reguardless of the breed. A biting puppy need to be corrected for it, Aggression is something that needs a one on one training with a trainer who can work that specific dog %26amp; I advise that people do contact a trainer so that it can be done on a one on one basis.

I know what you are saying. I have seen some answers that I wish I could just eliminate off the site, they are so far off it is pathetic.

I am too much of a animal person to fool around the behavioral issues. I swears that my answers are to the best of my knowledge %26amp; experience.Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
I guess its just for a simple advice, but of course you can't always take people's advice because they're not a dog trainer...Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
Because people come on Y!Answers for advice. DOH!Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
People give %26quot;advice%26quot; over the internet because there are others out there who don't want the expense involved in calling the specialist for the help they need.

Since they CHOOSE to ask us for answers, many of us try to help as much as we can. I can't speak for the others, but for myself I understand I am not the professional and I realize that what worked for me doesn't work for everyone else, and only a few will get the same results from the same interaction I have used. I figure that giving what help I can is better than ignoring someone who has ASKED for my help. I know my answers aren't the only possible solution, nor will they work for everyone, but when someone asks, I try to help as much as I can.

I also usually suggest they visit websites with more information than I have and/or call or go to their vet.

What many people do not realize is that behavioral changes in your dog require you to make a strong effort by going to training WITH your dog so YOU LEARN how to train him properly. That is always best and that is generally what I recommend when it comes to behavioral problems.

So why do we give advice?

Because someone asked and wants an answer.

We know our answers aren't perfect.Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
If you want an answer to your question, I think it's because people ask for advice on behavior. This is a question and answer site. It is not wrong to ask the question-if they are asking, they know they have a problem, so they are halfway to a solution already. Unfortunately, not everyone can be as knowledgeable as a dog trainer.Why do people give dog behavior advice over the internet?
Having been in the profession for more than 45 years and having earned a good living doing something that I thoroughly enjoyed I think that I have something to offer. I am an altruist by nature anyway. I have taken many, many courses to produce good dependable Police Dogs. I have trained Drugs Dogs and Explosives Detection Dogs. I feel that it's a shame to waste a lifetimes experience and not use it to try to help people. Whether they accept the advice is entirely their affair. My friend is a vet and in the past I have sat in and assisted in operations and I consider myself very fortunate to have done that. I had the honour and privilege to assist in the spaying of my own *****! How many people can say that?

I will only give advice on things that I KNOW, not just surmise. I leave it to others to recommend websites etc because I have even found stuff on those that I consider rubbish and tend to misguide the gullible.

I do not advise some of you people on what outfits to dress your dogs up in because I am not qualified in Haute Couture.I hate the idea of a regal looking Shepherd dressed in a frock anyway! I do not advise on names. The age limit for this is supposed to be thirteen and if someone of that age cannot think of a name for their own dog. I dispair!

I do not advise on Cockapoos and any other fancy name that people in the States particularly seem to like to call their mongrels, curs and crossbreeds. However lovable they are that is all that they will remain. They are not DESIGNER DOGS and never will be!

One of the things I hate about answers is those that start their answer with %26quot;I don't know but....%26quot; If you don't know then butt out!

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