Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Psyche Query: What if you assign the client homework as a impetus for behavior change.?

Ultimately, what will you do if a client simply does not do the homework? How will you interpret this? How will you maintain the client's self esteem in the light of failing to do the homeworkA Psyche Query: What if you assign the client homework as a impetus for behavior change.?
If the client shows up for the next session, how about asking the client what they think and feel? It could be, for examples, that - the %26quot;homework method%26quot; is not a fit for this person; they don't connect with you enough to want to do what you asked; they won't do it because they perceive it is being given them by AUTHORITY; they don't want to make the change the homework is geared towards...... I could think of more examples, too, that have nothing to do with the client having low self-esteem.

May I encourage you in your humility.

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