Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?

I have a bully in my GS troop who only does her bullying away from adults...she knows I, the leader, am the mom of one of the troop members so she never does it at troop events, but last week she made my daughter cry denying a group of friends (also in troop) to include my daughter in playing. She does this to my daughter and other troop members often. Under GS guidelines, can I give her and parent warning to change behavior or not be invited back to the troop next year and that her status is conditional upon her good behavior which should follow the GS Law?How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
Wow, you've got an interesting situation, and you have gotten a LOT of really good advice here. Try as many of these ideas as you see that fit your situation, but remember, you are a volunteer, and you are doing this mainly for your daughter. I removed a girl from my troop after years of disrupting our troop, and she was placed in another troop and that leader was just the ticket for handling her. Perhaps, this might be a suggestion for you. Is it possible to find another troop for this bully, and ask the other leader to take her?

Also, do your best to keep clicques from forming. If you are Brownies, try using rings, if you are older, use the patrol system and carefully choose who is in what patrol. Good Luck, and don't quit.How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
well i dont know much about gril scot but i want to be one but that not the point you got to belive in your self to defend your self and if that dont work then tell who ever is in charge or who is in you group that is in chargeHow to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
Yes, give her and parents a warning first, and if it repeats, boot her out!How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
Sometimes bullies just have to be dealt with by their victims.

They should be encouraged to stand up to her, all together.

It's still possible that this bully could be %26quot;turned%26quot; if it's made clear to her where she is in the pecking order. This is a dominance thing.How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
I think you talk to her parents first. If anybody needed to learn about the girl scout way of promoting %26quot;girl power%26quot; it is this girl. She needs the girl scouts. I think it would look suspicious if you kicked her out because it looks like you are favoring your daughter. I understand this would be frustrating for you, plus you are putting in the time as a leader, but as a leader I think you need to be inclusive and find a way to get that bully kid on a better track. Good luck!How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
If you're a good scout, you'll let the troop leader be the %26quot;bad guy%26quot; and remove the bully. She's the only one who can remove a person anyway.How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
well, dont ask meHow to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
I don't know anything about Girl Scout guidelines, but perhaps you could evaluate this young lady a bit further.

She may be acting out in such a negative way because she has a very large insecurity. You could find a way to make her overcome whatever this insecurity is and help her.

Maybe this GS troop is the only thing that she has ever had that has given her a chance.How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
Is there another leader or representative who can speak to the parent(s) about it? It might be best if you remove yourself from this discipline issue as you may be seen as biased because the bully is picking on your child. Whatever you do, do not allow your personal feelings to alter your treatment of the bully or her parents. It will lead to disaster.How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
My Mom was the troop leader of my troop back in the day--so two thumbs up to you!!!

I think if this girl is bullying your daughter and others away from troop functions than you really cant expel her from the troop--But on the other hand you need to advise your daughter to pull her friends together and confront the girl and inform the bully that they are not going to associate with her outside the troop..that they don't appreciate her ways and she needs to stop behaving badly OR sooner or later she will have no friends at all --in the troop or out..

If she is so hateful then also tell your daughter to just walk away from her when she comes around--at school? and the girl follows? your daughter needs to notify a teacher or yard attendant that she is being harassed..Kids don't like being excused from a group--maybe if the bully is ignored long enough she will get the hint and blend NOT bend the rules..

If your daughter doesn't get help from the staff at school tell her to call you --you need to maybe step in--let other parents also know of this child's bad behavior so they too can back it up..Hug your daughter for me and tell her there are people that care!! :-)How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
you said that she does NOT do it at troop events....i don't know if that would fall into the guidelines for suspension.How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
Bullies operate from fear...I'd hate to see her get the boot from the troup--ahev you maybe considered getting the girls together..and they each one take turns telling what this girl had done to them-and how it made her feel...and when all of the girls has had the chance to speak..tell the bullying girl-that she doesn't have to act that way...that no one in the troup is out to hurt her..they just want her to be one with them..and maybe then have each girl say something that they like about the end it on a positive note. Bullies aren't happy people..sometimes they come from a place of feeling less they put on a big front...there are a lot of reasons why people become bullies...I'm concerned that this might be a missed opportunity to make a big change in her life...How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
You did not mention how old the girls are, but I am a Brownie troop leader, so I will have an idea about what you're going through. I would do a unit on bullies, there is a book by Wiseman that the movie Mean Girls was based on. The author has been a speaker at Girl Scout events, so she would definitely be a person the Girl Scouts will endorse. If the girls are old enough to see Mean Girls, watch it at a Girl Scout meeting, and then discuss it. If the girls are too young, then read the book yourself, and work on your own %26quot;Bully Program%26quot; to do at one of your meetings. Don't single anyone out, but the book has many roles that girls fill in cliques. You can have each girl write down what role they think they fill, and openly discuss the different roles. Brainstorm on some solutions to dealing with Bullies, and how to %26quot;back out%26quot; of unpleasant situations, without losing their status in the clique. And, do a lesson about the Girl Scout Law, especially about being a sister to every girl scout. Have the girls define what that part means. Okay, I gave you a lot to do. Good luck!How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
remind her of the morals of girl scouts and warn her that since there is no such thing as a mean girl scout, she cannot be a girl scout anymore if she doesnt stop. if teh problem persists, tell her she cant continue with your troop. im not a leader, but my dad married my former GS leader, and im still a scout. i would be chrushed if i couldnt be in scouts anymore.How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
IF you truly believe this girl is a bully,why put your daughter thru this??

Bullying is now a big initiative thruout the school community. At our school, they told us of how it affects you into your adulthood. I had a bully bothering my son at school and went to the teacher and every time I saw the boy, I looked him squarely in the eye. That action alone made him uncomfortable and he knew I was watching him. I also taught my son to tell him to leave him alone 1 time, aFTER that, tell the teacher. DONT PUT UP WITH IT.

Since this isnt school, i would give the child one verbal warning w/ another adult present and send home a note. IF it happens again, I would dismiss the child from the troop.

I say ZERO TOLERANCE.How to you remove a bully from your Girl Scout Troop?
I am a troop leader also, I don't have a bully but I have one that refuses to listen. You need to talk to her parents and to the council in your area. The council will support you, because with out us there are no troops. You need to explain to the girl and her parents that she is not just a girl scout at troop meetings, but all the time. The last line in the law is %26quot;to be a sister to every girl scout%26quot; the way she is behaving goes against the law and the promise.

Since it's almost the end of the year I would just tell her parents that you won't tollerate that kind of behavior in your troop, and if she doesn't stop you won't allow her to come to anymore meetings. But before you do that go to the council, I don't know about yours but, my council is really good helping with this kind of situation.

Good Luck.

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