Hello, I am 21 years old, going on 22. I have a severe problem with getting angry or excited too quickly, and I think it has reached the boiling point for me. I cannot continue like this. Every time I am confronted by my parents about something, I back talk, I get offended, and we go back and forth. This has been going on for years now. I have a quick temper, and it gets me into trouble frequently. Every single day for the past week, there has been some incident dealing with my family, at which I am at the center, and I escalate the situation with my anger. I almost got into a real dire situation in 2004 dealing with security at the airport. Even when there is an adverse situation with my family that doesn't even involve me, and I chime in, I always support the negative action, or reaction. I am at my wit's end. I need to change right now, and I seems I can't. Every time the test comes to show a different action, I fail, and I fail miserably. I am a firm believer and follower of Jesus Christ, but I know that faith without works is dead. Please, if anyone can give me some sort of advice, please do. I can't take having these situations, and having to be scolded and lectured about it, and have to think about it. I want to do a complete 180, immediately. Right now.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
Learn how to be still and know!! http://www.fhu.com/Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
Just stop being an ***.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
It seems it is time to move out and face life...Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
Repent, have faith, pray and get in the word more. Let Jesus do the rest.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
Find an anger management class, talk to your doctor to see if it is medical in nature (such as food allergies, which are known to trigger behavior issues) and/or find a behavioral therapist who will focus on teaching you new coping methods and how to effectively change your responses to situations.
I don't think there is an immediate way to change this, however; maybe you can get your family on board, explain that you can see that your behavior is having a negative impact, you don't want to react this way, and can they help you with this.
Hopefully, this will be helpful. Good luck.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
Here's something to try:
When you start to feel angry, STOP! This can include putting your hands in your pockets, whistling, snapping your fingers, taking deep and slow breaths, tapping your foot, anything to occupy yourself.
Then try to think positive thoughts: I can do this. This can work. I can try this. Avoid negatives such as: this sucks. I wish this wasn't happening, etc,...
Then make a plan. Choose what your actions should be, and the consequences for each. Sort of like quick on the spot pros and cons.
And as others have suggested, seek out anger management classes. Get into therapy.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
take full responsibility for your existence. determine to pay for your own sins and take credit for your own good. (actually you don't even have to pay, you can forgive yourself after making amends to those you have hurt)
follow Jesus as an example rather than a %26quot;savior%26quot;. It's living like him that will save you, not groveling before him.
If you can do those two things you should do alright.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
I recommend that you see a mental health professional to seek help for your problem. Preferably a behaviorist.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
Learn to control the spirit. The spirit of sin that has entwined itself into the human soul through the generational curse from the fall of man. Did you get that. It is a spirit in you that tries to influence you through thoughts, feelingss, emotions and ways we don't understand. When you start to get angry focus on your self and the feelings in your members and mind and anyway you can to come to understand how this spirit is influencing you to act in this manner. It is how sin tries to stop us from being affective as Christians.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
Meditation can help with calmness and mental discipline.
Positive affirmations are useful in beginning to change your attitude.
Keeping a journal can help you work through your feelings.
Anger usually stems from a feeling of helplessness. Sometimes that can happen when we feel we are being treated unfairly, that the other person is not understanding or not listening or not considering you... when you feel the situation mounting try to understand it from the other side. If someone is giving you fair criticism, listen-- you don't have to agree, but take it into consideration. If they are just dumping on you, then just tell them you don't want to talk about it and walk away. If they are not listening or :hearing%26quot; you, realize you can't change them, just how you react to them.
It is a process, but being aware you are the one with the problem and not trying to blame it on everyone else is the first step.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
I actually know exactly how you feel. And it's hard to keep getting back up when you know that you'll most likely fail again..but i'd like to point out two verses to you:
Philippians 3:13 %26quot; But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead%26quot;
Isaiah 43:18 %26quot;Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.%26quot;
We all make mistakes, and no it's not okay, but God forgives us, and He still loves us. So, what helps me, is to take a breather before i speak, CONSTANTLY be in prayer for God's peace in that situation, and take a look at how you're gonna feel after. Because if you think about what you're gonna feel, either pride in an accomplishment, or regret, it can help you do the right thing. here's some more verses, haha:
James 1:19 %26quot;My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,%26quot;
Ephesians 4:26-27 %26quot;In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.%26quot;
So, pray, beg God to help you and if you let your body be a willing vessel, He will.
Feel free to email me anytime at mauichick94@yahoo.com :) God bless you!!Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
Well, you took the first step. You came to the realization that there is a problem. I too at one time had a real bad problem with anger. I called it a generational curse for my father, half brother, brother, sisters and I all had that problem. My mother was stubborn but her anger wasn't like ours. I came to the realization one day that I had to stop. I asked the Lord to give me strength and it took some time but, I am finally able to say that I can control this anger. There is a scripture that says that we are to think about the good things, the lovely things the things that bring about a good report. Those things are all speaking of Christ. We are to have the mind of Christ and have the humility that He had. Scripture also says that Pride comes before a fall. Don't allow stubbornness and pride take you down that road. Another thing that I do is call on the name of the Lord. Those who call on the name of the Lord the same shall be saved. I do this verbally over and over again in my thoughts or out loud when I have this anger that sometimes rears up it's ugly head. It works. Calm yourself down when placed in this situation and pray that He give you strength. Learn also to honor your folks. Jesus told us to pick up our cross and follow Him. Picking up our cross means to die to that Sin nature. We are also to lay our lives aside for the needs of others. By honoring and respecting your parents you will find favor with God. By doing all this you will also find favor with man and you can live peaceably with everyone. Read 1 Corinthians 13. It speaks of Love.Need immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
You need help with anger management with a psychologist. In the meanwhile try to not react to a situation immediately, try to let a little time pass before you react. Once you have done that try not to make inflammatory responses, try to take the middle-of-the-road position. You will never have your point of view listened to if you start a quarrel, people stop listening as soon as this happens.
Do something soon before you get into real troubleNeed immediate advice on how to change my behavior?
Ask God to change you. Ask Him to give you His patience and peace. He will.
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