Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How did you life change between having 1 child and 2 children?

How much %26quot;me time%26quot; did you get with 1 child? How much did you get with 2? How did your life change from 1 to 2? How did your 1st child react or change in behavior? How far apart were they? Please share! We're figuring out when we would like to TTC again and I'm just curious how the jump from 1 to 2 went with other moms.How did you life change between having 1 child and 2 children?
It got much much harder. My oldest just turned 2 last week and the baby is 5 1/2 months. It's a process to get out the door. The older one is still to little to do much for himself (like you can't dream of letting go of his hand in the parking lot. It hard to get groceries because they both still need to be in the cart which leaves no room for groceries and the big one is opening the cereal boxes or throwing stuff ontop of the baby.

it would be long and they will be good buddies but gosh is it hard right now. i cant imagine doing it differently though cause i love em so much.How did you life change between having 1 child and 2 children?
I was able to stay home!!!! Which was the best! My kids are 2 years apart...fantastic age difference! My son was 2 when my daughter was born, he adjusted soooo well, much much better than I thought. I think it was due to the fact that he was very mild mannered and I worked before she was born then was home full time so we were together all the time. when I worked he was with my mother or sil(she had no children), he was given ALOT of attention all day long. I was really lucky, my daughter slept alot the first three weeks of her life so I got to spend alot of 1 on 1 with him and he got used of having her around. He loved helping with her and there was no jealousy at all.

When having 2 kids close in age there isnt much %26quot;me time%26quot;. I think 2 years is perfect. Get them both on a good schedule, have set bedtimes(when the age of new baby is appropriate) so you can have a few hours to clean up the disaster that happedend during the I did get a few months when they both napped at the same time, I used that to clean up, make dinner so I could have free time at night.

If you can type and talke on the phone at the same time, you will have no I can't and I did just fine. I think no kids to one is more of an adjustment than one to two...less of a life changing shock! iykwim. Your old life is behind you and, you know what to expect X 2.How did you life change between having 1 child and 2 children?
Oh my! If I had it to do over I'd wait. My oldest is 2yrs and 5months and my youngest is 8months. It takes a good 45mins-an hour to get out of the door. The baby is so demanding! As soon as she gets up she wants a bottle, and when she's done all of the attention needs to be on her, so I have to carry her around in one arm, while I attempt to dress my other daughter. I have not had both of them out at the same time while shopping by myself. I either take someone along or only take one of them. And weekends would be so much easier because the oldest sleeps til about 930 then will sit in her room and go through books for a good hour. Just give her some milk and waffles and she's good to go. But, there's a second one who is no where near that. I just wish I would have waited until my oldest was 4 or 5.How did you life change between having 1 child and 2 children?
Hi the only thing that change was the haven to be up Alto earl-yer it was hard to lay down when I had just the one child. But after a while it becomes a lot more easy er there wasn't really to much haven to adjust to but when we look back and then look at them now it was really wroth every minute of it .How did you life change between having 1 child and 2 children?
I'll tell you something. When I see a pregnant woman I can always tell if it's a first time, or if she has a child. The first time moms still wear makeup. They sometimes wear heels. They glow (aren't quite as tired).

When my first was 3 I got pregnant with my second. He said he didn't want me to love the baby. The right thing to do, according to the experts, was just to hear him out and not react. So that's what I did. I just listened and acknowledged his feelings (I did not agree not to love the baby, I just didn't say what I would or wouldn't do). After about 2 weeks he changed his mind all on his own and said I could love the baby, it was okay. Right out of a textbook. :-)How did you life change between having 1 child and 2 children?
Hi I have two children: A 2 1/2 year old girl and a 9 month old boy. So they are 1 year and 9 mths apart. The first 6 months were very difficult. Since my daughter was so young and required a lot of attention, I felt like I was constantly caring for 2 babies. My son didn't get the one on one attention like my daughter did because I just didn't have the time. It is double the work with two (or maybe triple). I was changing 2 diapers, not one. It took me an hour to get everything ready to run errands, not 15 minutes. I work part time out of my home, and I found it impossible to work with two children, so I put them in daycare for 2 days a week. My daughter was very jealous and I struggled with her behavior after my son was born. The absolutely hardest thing in the first 6 months was sleep: expect to get none. I would be up half the night with my son, and then have to get up with my daughter at 7am. I couldn't nap because she needed my care, and they had different napping times, so I would average 4-5 hours of sleep a day for a while. (It hasn't gotten much better: but I get about 6-7 hrs of sleep now).

However, after having told you the down side, now I am glad I have two close together in age. My daughter now LOVES to help me with the baby. She brings me things I need, helps me change his diaper, shares her snacks, etc. They love to play with each other. My son laughs at her, and she loves to make him laugh. It is still a lot of work, but very rewarding. I think things will continue to get easier as my son is able to do more things (such as walk, talk, eat without making a mess). I guess the only thing I hate right now is that my house is constantly a mess. But there's not much I can do about it. I just enjoy my children while they are young, because it goes by so fast.How did you life change between having 1 child and 2 children?
My first is 2 1/2 years older than my second. At first, since she was only 2 1/2, she didn't care as much. My husband was home a lot more so she still got a lot of attention. I just made sure she was very involved and not left out.

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