Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to change Fiances behavior?

Alot of you had trouble reading my last question so im going to break it down in short form, im asking this so that when he gets home we can have %26quot;the talk%26quot;..

ok so here it goes:

We have a child together who is 6, we are both 21 and he works and I am a stay at home mom. He is controlling, has a bad temper and blames his anger problems on the fact that he is Irish. Our 6 year old daughter is picking up his behavior and now he is blaming it on the fact that she is part irish. I am african american and I never dated a black guy before, he uses that fact to make rude remaks about black men, when our daughter has a crush on a black kid in her class he starts going off about black men etc etc.. he does the SAME for african american women but in his words %26quot;only the ghetto ones%26quot;.. another issue, my parents are taking his side on everything, he persuades them and they believe him, we been together since we were 12 so they see him as this %26quot;angel%26quot; which he is not. I am sick of his behavior and last night was my final breaking point on everything. I have tried TONS of times before to %26quot;talk' to him but it doesnt work, tonight will be the serious talk where its either he listens or i leave and am taking Alexis with me. Now she does favor her daddy alot more then me because he lets her have her own way and i dont again that is another problem i have with him he doesnt disipline her and uses the irish rage as an excuse. Teachers have even commented on our childs temperment problems and he couldnt care less instead he says %26quot;thats my daughter%26quot; as if its a good thing to have such a bad stubborn temper and to not want to learn anything new.

Any advice on how i should deal with this situation?? i want this sovled before we get married. Councelling is an agreement on both of our parts and so far he is not in agreement with it..How to change Fiances behavior?
Wow that's a painful situation, you do need counseling and yes he would need to be part of it. His belittling/controlling you, insulting others, etc, is inexcusable way for a man to act towards a woman he claims to love.

Irish Rage sounds as weak an excuse as Black Rage as used by that guy killing commuters on the Long Island Railway some years back.

Good luck on your talk, I am sure it will not be easy no matter what. Do what's best for you and your daughter.

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