Thursday, June 2, 2011

Did you child's behavior change after starting school?

My son has been in school for three weeks (started Kindergarten) and had completely changed his personality. Besides picking up hitting (fists closed), full of defiant %26quot;NO's%26quot;, he has started running around the house pushing me out of the way saying I got here first. He doesn't listen anymore, does whatever he wants, screams around the house %26quot;You can't make me%26quot; and other things.

What the freak is going on and how do I get back my polite young man? He has even started being rude to other people that have known him his whole life (grocery store cashiers, mail man, Grandmother, etc.).Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
As parents, few situations are more difficult to deal with than having a child who is aggressive toward other children. It can be embarrassing as well as frightening when your child bites, hits, scratches or kicks to get his or her way. It’s not uncommon for younger children to engage in this type of behavior at various points in their development and in a variety of settings. However, when it becomes very frequent or seems to be their consistent way of reacting to something they don’t like, it’s time to step in and help them change their behavior. The first step is understanding the underlying reasons why your child is choosing to act out this way. The more you understand what’s happening, the better you’ll be able to help them find other, non-aggressive ways to solve their problems.

At times, children will verbally draw a line in the sand, stare you in the eye and say “You can’t make me.” When they say this, what they’re looking for is a fight, and it’s important not to give them one. By responding with “Oh yes I can,” there’s a threat implied, and it’s only going to further escalate the situation. You’re giving the child control by joining into the fight that you’ve been invited to. It’s important to remember not to engage the child on her level. Instead, respond to your child by taking your emotions out of the equation and focusing back on the matter at hand.

Read More Below:Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
I suggest you have a talk with his teacher. Perhaps she knows what's going on.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
He is out in the real world with lots of peer pressure now. He has to act like the other kids so he can fit in. My kids changed drastically when they started school, and it never got any better. The older they got, the worse it got.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
Well school does that to people.

Surrounded by peopel who are different than him

May have a bad affect on him.

Hes picking up things that he has seen or heard around school.

The kids around school are obviously not a good influence on him.

Just be patient. Teach him what you want

Tell him what you want from him and reward him with

A mini certificate or some candy or something like that.

Only if he does good though.

It will teach him to naturally have manners.

Bribing is something that works almost all the time.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
its probably because he started hangin around with other kids that he wants to be like or just wants to big and badDid you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
my friend's lil boy was like that to. what they did to try to help him was talk to his teachers and have kids from his school come over and play. they also made a tim out chair so if he acts up according to how old he is he stays in that chair for them mins. like if he's 2 then he stays in there for 2 mins. if u have another child like they do they split up there time with each son.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
My son acts almost the same but mine is 4yrs old and he goes to pre school.. He gets home mad and talking back to me. I have no idea why but I think all kids are like that.. What I do I put him in time out it works sometimes lol.. But hang in there..Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
okay i am a mother of 2 and they r 15 %26amp; 13,they never did things like that and it is not true that school does that to your children nor is it doesn't get any better. you just need to remind him he is a big boy going to school now and he needs to behave like a big boy. you need to start punishing him in %26quot;big boy ways%26quot;, like no t.v,no favorite toy,no games,no toy or candy at the store and a good one is a stern crack on his bottom.he will get better once things settle down.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
My daughter responded the same way to Kindergarten last year. It wasn't as defiant as you describe, but during daycare and Pre-K, her teachers would always praise her for being perfectly behaved all the time. In K, she wasn't always raising hell, but she had days where she would get in trouble for talking, not following instructions, and rushing to get her work done so she could do what she wanted.

I would have a talk with her when she got a bad report. It was calm and I was respectful. I talked to her just as I would an adult and explained how it wasn't fair to others to act the way she was. If there was a repeat of the specific behavior, she lost TV, ice cream privileges, etc.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
I've seen the same thing happen with other kids when they start school.

We homeschool so this hasn't happened with mine. But what you are seeing sounds normal.

What happens is they get around other kids and learn new behavior.

You just need to put your foot down %26amp; say him %26quot;I don't know where you learned to act like that we don't act like that in our family.%26quot; Then tell him why you feel it is wrong.

He needs to be punished too if he doesn't listen to you when you say no and talks back.

Take away favorite toys or lose time on the computer, video games or some other fun item.

When he is rude you need to gently take his arm and make sure he looks into your eyes. Tell him %26quot;We do not talk to people like that.%26quot; Then you need to stop what you are doing and march him off some where quiet. Talk to him about why it wrong. Again he needs to be punished losing a toy or special computer time.

When he hits he needs a big punishment. Think of what he loves most and he needs to lose that or that special time for a few days or even a week if a few days don't help.

Let him know if he keeps up this behavior life can get very unhappy.

Also let him know how upset his behavior makes you. I remember one time when my son was acting up a lot I let him see how sad I was (made my face look overly sad) then I told him %26quot;You really make my heart hurt deep inside when you act like this.%26quot;

This really shocked my little boy and I could tell he didn't want to hurt me.

I told him when he acts up it hurts my heart. Being a mommy's boy he didn't like this.

Hope this helps.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
My daughter didn't start being rude or anything, but when she came home from school she would just be so freaking hyper, running all over the place, jumping around. I think it was just her having all that built up energy from having to sit quietly all day, she would just let loose when she got home. I did eventually pass and she is back to normal, I guess she just had to adjust. The only undesirable behavior thing I don't like is everything turned into a competition w/ her little sister. She wanted to be first for everything, she had to race to the car, race to the door. It drove me nuts, I tried to just let it die out on its own, but it didn't so I had to put a stop to the racing. And finally now in to 1st grade, all is back to normal.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
talk to the teacher....what kind of class room is she running??Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
yes they learn from other children at school and if the teacher just gives that child who started it in the class room all the attention he is acting out.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
Talk to the teacher. Maybe he's struggling with the school work; maybe he is feeling left out by the other kids; maybe he's shy and frustrated; maybe the teach is at the point of nagging/ riding his case?

But, it does sound like he has a lot of anger and frustration right now. So, as you discipline him for his behavior, try to really ask him what's really bothering him. Listen to what's going on at school.Did you child%26039;s behavior change after starting school?
He sounds angry, poor little guy.

Our child changed after starting school. Turned out she had an abusive teacher. We switched schools and she was almost choked to death by a classmate.

We've been homeschooling now for over 3 years, and our child is happy, healthy, independent, and educated.

All the best.

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